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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Yeah, it's all fair and well in other circumstances but he's playing that sort of material to the wrong gallery to be frank. He's doing much better now that he's got into the facts of the matter.
  2. It's a performance for sure, but I'm not sure the bench are really appreciating it. Maybe needs to get to the nitty gritty faster.
  3. I can envisage Lord Kerr railing lines off of Lady Hale's arse, tbf. (Not really, don't sue pls)
  4. And they are bringing up the fact that the witness statements from (or regarding the) cabinet minutes are essentially meaningless without signatures.
  5. Great point made by one of the justices: That by issuing a 5 week prorogation which included recess, the government deprived Parliament of the chance to debate and vote whether or not to go in to recess, when all previous recesses had involved a vote on whether or not to enter recess.
  6. Eadie is essentially saying that Parliament can counter-check its own prorogation, post-hoc or after the fact, which is pretty absurd. There's also no effective check to prevent the Executive proroguing Parliament for 51 weeks of the year, going by Eadie's argument. He's not blustering like Lord Keen, but he's hurting the Governments case more I'd say.
  7. European Parliament have voted in favour of giving the UK an extension if it asks for one.
  8. Get your steak pie head out of the thread, thank you.
  9. 2/3 days time, barring something spectacular happening.
  10. Holy shit, the Judges are not taking this guys shite.
  11. "Lord Keen, it's a difficult concept to grasp, it is unlawful, but still valid" Ooft...
  12. Government's Advocate is looking a bit down in the dumps. ETA: He's also doing a great job in saying a lot of words, but not actually saying anything of note.
  13. I know, that's why I said it was a fantasy. Keep up.
  14. The sheer confusion this would cause (on both sides) would be hilarious to view. Unfortunately tis but a fantasy.
  15. I could be wrong but it appears that the judges are considering effect of prorogation as well as the initial motive. Can see it going either way.
  16. Tory-lite indeed. Lib Dems seem to be more self-righteous as well which is a tasty, albeit horrifying combo when looked at alongside their Tory tendencies.
  17. Also MM scoring OG’s in small sided football? Obviously went downhill in the past 3/4 years.
  18. Are you implying that the 3 most senior judges in Scotland don’t know the rules and laws on this? Jesus. [emoji23]
  19. Also, if Boris lied about the whole proroguing scenario to Liz in Balmoral, wouldn’t the whole criminal act thing fall under Scots Law?
  20. I lived in Morley for about 7 months a wee while ago; a more typical West Yorkshire town you’d never find. Unbelievable you have folk there berating Bojo.
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