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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Some of you will have seen this uploaded to FB, but here's a cracking picture of some of the best players we've had play for us in recent memory.
  2. You are, without a shadow of a doubt, the thickest c**t I’ve seen post on this forum.
  3. Bain out of favour at Celtic with Forester back... The gangs getting back together.
  4. Because some people don’t seem to appreciate what having a midfielder who actually wants to receive the ball can do for a team. As much as it’s a buzzword nowadays, he brings a degree of dynamism to the team, and gets us to play structured passages of play to move up the park. In fairness, it’s not always the most efficient or fastest way often enough, but at least it’s not mindless hoofing up the park. But hey, he sometimes loses the ball whilst trying to pick a forward pass. His lofted ball for the 2nd goal against United was a peach though.
  5. McGowan made a decent impact when he came on. I think we need to start with Hemmings, Johnson and Nelson up top, but I’ll be fucked if I know what formation we need to play to get the best out of everyone.
  6. Agreed. Nods to the King of Comedy as well. Looks fucking brilliant.
  7. Court case will be heard in full on Tuesday; QC against the government says that Boris Johnson should be sworn in on oath to give his reasons for prorogation.
  8. John Major taking Bojo to court to prevent him suspending parliament. Eh?
  9. His hair should put itself forward.
  10. There needs to be some palpable, and visible action taken by the SNP now. Time for the long-game to become very much the short-game.
  11. A few Tory MP’s are saying they will back a motion of no confidence.
  12. Can the queen say f**k off? Imagine the mental gymnastics the gammons would have to do to try and square that.
  13. You’re daft. Cheapest pint in there is £4.50 or something.
  14. If people stopped quoting him, he’d fizzle out eventually.
  15. I've started a new game with the new update and the 10,000 limit on basic resources is a godsend. No-more having to rearrange your small starting inventory to fit sodium, oxygen, ferrite etc etc.
  16. Is anyone else getting a bit jittery because of all the talk of another global recession? I stumbled across a “wallstreetbets” reddit and it was a horrifying read. I’m not clued up on stock markets and the like, so I’m guessing the lack of knowledge makes it that bit more scary.
  17. Absolutely. It’s not even comparable to the release version. Brilliant so far.
  18. Probably the best footballer to come out of Elgin tbh.
  19. Fwiw it’ll probably be Noah’s Ark Mk.II come full time. Scottish weather etc etc.
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