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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Looks like title will be decided by Hemmings Vs Shankland. How does their respective goal scoring records compare?
  2. Hemmings will probably join him after he helps us win the league.
  3. I’m so erect it hurts at the thought of Kane Hemmings coming back here.
  4. NDD will probably hunt you down for saying that.
  5. I wish you guys nothing but misery this coming season, but it’ll be good to have the derbies again.
  6. One way to wake up at 5am on a Sunday. Thankfully (wrong word?) it was the block of flats beside ours but I wasn’t taking any risks in just waiting and got outside when I heard shouts/fire alarms etc. Boy ended up on the roof of the building, thankfully got lifted off by the Firefighters. Everyone in that block seemed safe though, which is good. (For reference, our flat is the one with the light on (our bedroom) where the satellite dish is on the right of the picture. The room to the left of the bedroom is our living room. Could have been me!)
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