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Posts posted by milton75

  1. There's a guy at my work who I have long suspected may be the most boring man I have ever met. Today he told me that he likes going to airshows.
    It's nice to have long-standing prejudices confirmed.

    He went on, holding court at the next bank of desks to where I was sitting, to complain at length about how much it is to get in, and to compare in detail how much it has gone up in various years since he was a young man. He then expanded on this with a diatribe on how shocking it is that there's also a £5 charge for car parking.

    "I mean once you're in you'll be spending money on all sorts anyway.


    A beer... or a coke of course.

    A snack...

    Maybe a programme if you fancy...

    I mean, there's a lot of choice..."

    I got up and left the room in a rage.

  2. 15 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

    I was on holiday last week and we visited an old fashioned seaside resort in the North of England.  I got fish and chips because that's what these places are famous for and it while it was nicely cooked and there was nothing 'wrong' with it, it made me feel ill for the next day.  Just that volume of fried food isn't something I can really cope with anymore.  Honestly have no idea how people eat like that all the time.

    Sadly this is just the way of it. I think that's been the case for me since I was about 30. Once a year or so I'll have a hankering and get one and regret it for hours afterwards.

    Avoiding chip shops is a lot easier since I moved to Bishopbriggs anyway, as they are uniformly appalling here. 

  3. 10 hours ago, coprolite said:

    Was with you until ketchup. 

    Francos in Embra (by the meadows, not the Stockbridge one) did a half pizza supper for a pound at lunchtime in the 90s. Had one most days. With chip sauce. 

    When I was a student in the mid-90s there was a chip shop on Sciennes in Edinburgh and another just up from there on Causewayside, both of which did very cheap half-pizza suppers. I lived just up from there and would frequent regularly. 

    Not only is the half pizza more affordable on a student budget, but I always felt that it was better because it got put face down on the chips and they got embedded into the molten surface. A whole pizza would be folded in half therefore losing this element of the fun.

  4. 20 hours ago, pozbaird said:

    Well, who knew trying to arrange a thirty minute meet up over a coffee with a family member from Ayrshire, if their work took them anywhere near Glasgow and was halfway between both of us could cause a ‘calling card of a moron’ stooshie. Funny old world. Etc.

    To be fair, while I appreciate that both are an improvement on Ayrshire, if you were inviting me to have a coffee in Braehead or Silverburn I don't think I'd invest much effort in my reply either.

  5. 6 hours ago, AyrshireTon said:

    Quite the backlash after this move.


    There will probably be a silent protest at the next home game.

    Maybe even some audible tutting will be heard, reflecting off the waxed Barbour jackets in the crowd.

  6. 3 minutes ago, GordonD said:

    She was in a film called Jude, playing opposite Christopher Eccleston (pre-Doctor Who). One scene was filmed in my street - unfortunately I was working away from home that day and didn't see any of it.

    You missed nothing.

  7. Mrs Milton gets annoyed by how happy scam calls make me. We have a landline that comes with the cable service and that we don't want or use. No-one has the number, so on the rare occasions that the phone rings it's always some idiot scammer. I've been involved in many many car accidents, and when they excitedly transfer my to the "legal expert" I tend to be delighted but surprised that they'd already heard of the accident, being as it only happened a few days previously.

    Sometimes the accident turns out to be me driving into a queue of schoolkids at a bus stop, sometimes it was a gang of youths who crashed into my car before dragging me from the vehicle and raping me. Often I was killed in the accident, and on one occasion I was speaking to the caller from the afterlife, where I was now at peace but still wanted compensation.

    I also have a lot of issues with my internet that involve helpful people trying to get me to type cmd prompts into my laptop to resolve the issue. I tend to need a lot of guidance to get this right, especially when it comes to typing them correctly and reading what comes up. Often what comes up is quite insulting, sadly.


  8. On 21/03/2023 at 11:25, Cosmic Joe said:

    Which shithole do you stay? 

    Bishopbriggs these days, and it actually is shit as it turns out.

    18 hours ago, BTFD said:

    ^^^ barred from the Fallin chippy for ordering a mushroom supper

    From what I experienced of Fallin, on the one occasion I had to go there, they wouldn't ban me for that. They a) wouldn't know what a mushroom was, and b) would think I was speaking a different language anyway.

    14 hours ago, TxRover said:

    For amusement:



    A depressing indictment of how unimaginative and tiresome people are in this country.

  9. RE mispronunciation of place names. It is very slightly diverting/irksome when it happens routinely, e.g. on TV by sports commentators, but even then it doesn't really matter.

    In my experience the people that get more exercised about it are losers from small no-mark towns, who still live in said small no-mark towns, who think that anyone else should care in the slightest about the pronunciation of their beloved shithole.
    We don't care. Not one jot. If I'm lucky I'll never again have to visit Fallin or Strathaven or whatever. I came here for one day, took a look around, and vowed to avoid the dump in future.

  10. 10 hours ago, Boo Khaki said:

    I've asked religious people to explain to me how they believe God can create a universe and everything in it on whim, when it seems to be irreconcilable given that God must also be part of that universe. I've been told that God exists outside of the universe, which is more than enough for my 'hud oan a minute' meter to go rocketing off the scale, but then I've also asked why, if God exists outside of the universe, did he/she/it/they sit around on their arse for an eternity in a great nothingness before suddenly deciding to create everything. I haven't had an adequate response to that, but more concerning, I've also had it put to me that God 'willed' itself into existence prior to creating the universe, which is just all sorts of 'what the f**k?' given that something which does not exist can not possibly will itself to exist.

    At that point I usually get brushed off with some variation on 'humans can not possibly comprehend', which is as much insulting as it is risible horseshit.

    The good thing about that belief is that you can use it, if you are minded to, as an argument demonstrating that free choice is something that simply doesn't exist as everything, to god at least, is pre-ordained.
    Catholics in particular seem to get upset when you tell them this.

  11. I agree with much of that, however my point regarding "hard border" as an ominous concept pertains to not only a whole gamut of attendant psychological and sociological upsets that this would present, but also the spectre of "loss of access to market".

    You're correct about the reasons NI has been pandered to, but the mechanics of dealing with those issues are now there for all to see. So if nothing else the argument becomes not that Independent Scotland "must suffer x consequences", and more instead that Independent Scotland "will suffer x consequences", because there's no political expediency to working anything else out.
    That comes across far more poorly to the electorate.

    Lastly it seems unpalatable that we reward bad behaviour. Anyone that's dealt with a truculent toddler knows this isn't a good policy. We're stuck with a section of the country where the locals have been blowing each other up for decades so everyone else has to bend over backwards to accommodate them (and let's not forget it STILL isn't good enough for many in the DUP).

    I encourage the locals of Glasgow and Edinburgh to start an attritional civil war for the next 50 years. Find out what treats we're fed to get them to stop.

  12. On 20/02/2023 at 22:26, welshbairn said:

    I get local papers delivered and get national and international news online. Pretty sure that the Press and Journal sells more than the Scotsman and Herald combined.


    On 20/02/2023 at 22:30, Rugster said:

    It does. About 25k a day P& J and about 20k combined Herald and Scotsman. 

    Which, given the utter shite in the P&J, speaks depressing volumes about the backward and reactionary character of a great many in that region.


    ETA - that's not to say The Herald or Scotsman are good. The Herald has been shit for about 15 years and The Scotsman has been shit since about 1990.

  13. 14 hours ago, Michael W said:

    Lichtenstein is largely part of the Single Market, with some exceptions. As is Switzerland through the numerous EU-CH agreements in place. The UK (minus NI), is not part of the Single Market, with NI only remaining part owing to ensure that an international agreement (to which an EU Member State is a signatory) is upheld.  

    You also need a customs declaration to send goods from the EU to Lichtenstein and vice-versa (presumably the case also from Switzerland to Lichtenstein). That isn't frictionless trade. The EU does indeed have a deal with Lichtenstein and harmonisation through the EEA agreement/Single Market etc, but it is not an all-encompasing, frictionless deal, even if it removes many barriers. 

    And at any rate, it's not a valid comparison to the point that was being made. All EU countries trade on Lichtenstein on the same terms, with no Member State enjoying 'frictionless' trade as an exception. In the example provided, (Scotland having frictionless trade with both the EU and the rest if the UK), this will only happen if: 

    Scotland stays in the UK and the UK rejoins the EU; or

    If independent and in the EU, the rest of the UK rejoins the EU as well.  

    Future EU-rUK agreements where an independent Scotland is concerned would of course be  possible, but they will be for all of the EU to benefit from and not just a select part of it. And, at any rate, it won't be frictionless unless rUK rejoins. Or, should it be "joins", since it'd be a different State to the one that was formerly a Member?


    I think you're focusing too much on the "frictionless" point. If Scotland was Independent and in the EU then it is true that there could not be frictionless trade with the rUK.

    However, what this deal demonstrates is that there could be access to the rUK market with considerably less hassle than could historically have been the case.

    Also, and somewhat importantly, it also completely refutes the claim made by many Unionists that an Independent Scotland would by necessity have to have a hard border with England. That's clearly not the case, and it will be interesting going forward to see anyone claim otherwise.

  14. This chat about hotels in Qatar, Dubai, etc.?

    Nothing to do with the World Cup or the number of deaths in stadia makes any odds to that. If you think a hotel stay in that sort of soulless shithole is a good idea then you are trash. It's pretty simple and easy to understand. 

    "Where should we go on holiday? Where should we see another culture, eat interesting food, see sights?"

    "F*ck that. I want to go to a hotel filled with vapid try-hards and buy some discount gold".

  15. 18 hours ago, oaksoft said:

    If you want the self-righteous, blinkered, sanctimonious, self-appointed arbitrators of what constitutes the moral high ground answer, I can’t do much better than the explanations given by @DA Baracus and @Bairnardo and would point you in their direction. If you actually want to fully understand what is causing the division over all this you’d need to be prepared to go beyond the easy obvious “they’re all racists and bigots” answer.

    But coincidentally a large proportion of those complaining about wokeness are racists and bigots. 

  16. On 29/10/2022 at 22:41, mathematics said:

    Related to this: people that park on the double yellows indicated by my red line are lazy inconsiderate arseholes and one day I’m going to spend a few hours with a claw hammer meeting many windscreens.





    On 30/10/2022 at 09:26, microdave said:
    On 29/10/2022 at 22:41, mathematics said:

    Related to this: people that park on the double yellows indicated by my red line are lazy inconsiderate arseholes and one day I’m going to spend a few hours with a claw hammer meeting many windscreens.

    I'll happily join you. On that bit of road, you have no idea if the cars are parked or stopped at the lights which can make you feel foolish when you stop behind a parked car that doesn't move when the lights change. And talking of double yellow lines, I was out for a walk one lunchtime and saw a car parked on the pavement (with hazards on) simply because there were double yellows. They must've thought that was acceptable but I was seething.

    There's always a selection of dickwads parked there. Ubereats and Deliveroo type fannies picking up shit from the Subway, the chippy, or the restaurants. Or twats going in themselves. They usually leave their fat munter partners in the car, hazards on, while they queue in the chippy. It's not even a good chippy. It's shit.

  17. On 30/10/2022 at 13:03, oaksoft said:

    If either van driver had to screech to a halt, then they were also at fault for not paying attention.

    As they'll find out when they contact their insurance company.

    This is of course true, but I don't really care about those guys. Under usual circumstances van drivers would be one of the c-nts on the road I gripe about.

    But in this situation it was simply pleasing to witness the worst getaway ever. When your car is festooned in ads with the phone number to book a cab, chances are you're not going to go unidentified.


  18. 23 hours ago, microdave said:

    Taxi drivers. They are consistently the worst group of driver I've encountered. A few years ago, I had one tailgate me on the Erskine bridge despite the right hand lane being completely empty. He did overtake me as we got onto the motorway and a few minutes later I saw him use the hard shoulder to undertake someone. In the summer, there was one that indicated left to go round a left hand bend. And this morning I witnessed (and only avoided hitting by slamming the brakes) one reverse into a busy, rush hour main road.  I'm sure not all taxi drivers are bad drivers but the ones who are don't half give their profession a bad name.

    I recently saw a cock of a taxi driver cause an accident. I was in Bishopbriggs town centre and a taxi did an illegal u-turn around the lights, marked in in blue below. He didn't even indicate and two vans behind him both had to slam on their brakes and collided with each other.

    He then pulled in to drop his fare off at the Bank of Scotland and then fled the scene heading North.

    I was standing where the red dot is and saw the whole thing, as did a bunch of others, and the two vans pulled in beside us to exchange details. Amusingly the old woman standing next to me had got the taxi company details and gave it to them. They then went into the bank and go the details again from the lady he'd dropped off, and they reported the fud to the cops. 




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