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Casual Bystander

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Posts posted by Casual Bystander

  1. Who's going to run an independent Scotland? Are you beginning to realize that you're being manipulated yet then?

    Manipulated? :lol:

    Brilliant. :D

    Damn, if only I had noticed that if you fold the ballot paper back it continues to read "independent country ... with Alex Salmond as the life long president".

  2. Personal insults and rudeness are the domain of Alex Salmond so I did indeed avoid his area. I find his rhetoric far more unpleasant and in some cases sinister. I saw him in Stirling at the Mac Bob during the "Braveheart" premiere.

    Still doesn't get it. Your complete lack of understanding is at toddler level, but hey you know you just keep on telling everyone it's all about the SNP and Salmond and not about a corrupt and broken political system.

  3. So you think that if the vote's Yes, this Utopian vision will come to pass? Think again and consider that the people who are talking you into this are self-serving politicians. As for devolved power, it's a half-way house and one that might be a bad decision but it's reversible. Who will govern an independent Scotland? The SNP? That prospect really alarms me

    Painful. Painful and very poorly thought out. You also avoided calling Salmond "fat" which is a clear vote winner. :(

  4. In a sort of understated way McIntyre is a fairly decent choice. Young enough to learn and probably desperate to prove a point after the last time he was in the SP(F)L. It does seem a bit of a step down considering the calibre of some of the names that were being touted around.

    Dodds as an assistant is a far better choice than Dodds as a manager.

    Still you have to say that he looks better than having Craig as a manager.

  5. You see the way I look at this is that we are basically where we were before the very positive YG poll. This Survation poll shows the female vote is still favouring No and I am sure the #patronisingBTLady was what affected the YG poll and that after being pissed off at being taken for simpering idiots then it's levelled back out again.

    The arguments haven't changed, there is nothing new other than the panic of the Westminster leaders, it's just a matter of ensuring that the positive message is delivered in the right way.

  6. Fair enough, all the latest poll suggests is that there is work to do. Ultimately this is a democratic process and if people are willing to swallow the negative fear mongering that has been constant with the Bitters then they will be the ones who will need to look at themselves when Westminster continues to f**k them.

    Considering some polls were putting the Yes vote as low as the low 30's then 47% a week before the election is still a considerable positive.

  7. I don't think you should really pick someone up on a typo when you think segue is spelled segway you utter moron :lol:

    Exactly my point. You were so keen to pick up on my spelling error while you metaphorically practised your online onanism.

    Good to see that you getting things wrong still riles you to the point of insult though.

  8. I'm going to throw this out there, I think the mainstream media's dirty tricks will add a few percent to the polls in favour of no.

    I'm not sure, as I say I think the mainstream media can sense a story bigger than Scotland. OK, to us #indyref is fucking amazing and a real chance to alter history, but to the boys South of the Watford Gap we've always been a bit of a second hand story. Now if as a circumstance of us getting a Yes it brings down the whole system at Westminster then the story up here would be almost all but ignored. On Newsnight tonight you had Peter Hain and the Dark Lord (Redwood) arguing about being English or Welsh and the way the parliament should be split up.

    I genuinely think the mainstream London-centric media are sensing a totally different story here and are just looking for a way in, with all the current pieces they are doing are safe fluff by the numbers.

  9. 53/47 YES


    It would certainly explain why the Record and Sun have stopped being so fucking nasty. It would also explain the dash North by the 3 stooges with the lovebomb massive. BBC Scotland will go down fighting though.

    Wasn't there some rumour that Salmond had unofficial polls with Yes sitting at 54? Maybe this is just the official ones aligning to that figure. It would be interesting to see the number of undecideds in the poll as TNS had a whopping 23% which is mental considering how close we are getting.

  10. Our #indyref figs for @daily_record are VERY interesting @davieclegg will tweet headline numbers first - follow @survation for full info

    Yup, just about to post similar. Survation going into full blown cock tease mode...


    Edit: Of course the way the swing has gone over the last couple of weeks the genuinely interesting figures would be to see a big drop in Yes support. Not that I am making any guesses either way. I've felt for a long time the polls were wrong and maybe in the last few weeks they have come back into alignment but perhaps the weighting applied has been too generous. A

  11. That has got to be very bad news for NO.

    Considering it's..

    1) a fairly conservative (with a small 'c' of course) area

    2) a traditional Liberal heartland

    ..then yes, it doesn't make for great reading for no. It's all anecdotal mind.

    Traditionally the cities are the place that support Labour, and thus by implication the union in this case, so we'll need to see where that's going to end up.

  12. ITV News coming out with the most shamelessly biased article on Scottish Independence I've seen to date. Scotland are fucking up the markets (no discussion over whether BT talking down Scotland's chance of having a stable future has affected the markets), Scotland won't keep the pound, Scotland would have loads of debt (not minding the contradiction of these two), BORDER CONTROLS!!!!!!!

    It's going to be a long 10 days. :thumbsdown

    ETA: Yaas, here's Ponsonby to even things out. Bernard fucking loves a bit of Independence.

    That's just grist to our mill though.

    Scots are thrawn and if it means taking some c**t down with you then so be it. We never started this fight, but we'll finish it. It could have all been avoided if Westminster hadn't acted like c***s.

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