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Posts posted by RedRob72

  1. Crowd fairly mixed including many visiting Scots and ex-pats but accept that the majority of attendees were English.

    Does go a little against the view that we are all seen as nation of sponging freeloaders by our cousins down south though don't you think?

  2. Just out of interest....

    At the Ashbourne (Derbyshire) Highland gathering yesterday, 20th July attendees amongst the 8,000 strong crowd were asked to vote in a mock referendum.

    Should Scotland become an independent country?

    The Poll booth opened at 9.00am and closed at 5.00pm, with a steady line of people queuing up throughout the day to cast their vote.

    The result was as follows.

    YES - 22%

    NO - 78 %

  3. That is what I was saying.

    The No bet is getting big cash from a fewer number of people to weight the odds to make it look like No is clear favourite, when in reality the bookies are taking less bets on it.

    The odds don't give a clear picture of the way people will vote. That is assuming people will bet the way they will vote.


    So the No vote is odds on just because its made 'to look like a clear favourite', aye that's how it works! :thumsup2

    Lets just get this right then, are you saying there's a mystery betting syndicate out there putting a wedge of 5 &10 grand bets on the No vote, just to skew the market, dupe the bookies and the punters?.

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