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Everything posted by Bradford-Rover

  1. Course she was nuts! she was seeing you Starting to wonder about you Monster! Take it you just like to be mothered If only I had got in first with that!
  2. I got a friend come over in his car, I knew when she was going out as soon as she left my stuff was at the door. 20 minutes later he arrived and we packed the car to the brim! I ended up going back for three weeks after she talked me into it but done the same thing three weeks later as nothing had changed and she was still the same selfish bitch. She ended up marrying somebody else around 5 months after we split up Thank f**k I got away when I did and she didnt end up getting pregent as we were trying at the time
  3. One was from Galashiels and we nearly got married (before one day I ran out on her, literally!) Long story and I had good reasons including her leaving me alone for Christmas and her ex always poking around! Another one that comes to mind was from Leslie (Yes I know don't start! ) Not admitting her name incase you know her! I came across her Bebo page a few weeks ago and what a change from when i was with her looks like a butch dyke now No it wasnt being with me that made her switch if that was the case more likely I would have switched sides after being with her! Those were the worst two! The one that got away was from St Andrews and the nicest person you could ever you ever possibly meet One regret in my life will always be not knowing her anymore and the hurt I caused her
  4. How can letting somebody die ever be morally right?
  5. Living in a big housing estate! nah not for me
  6. Something wrong with that boy I think I can beat you hands down Okay you go first!
  7. Don't you come from Dalgety Bay People in glass houses and so on...........
  8. If you had lived with my ex for as long as I did trust me 28 would feel much older And before you say anything no I'm not the best person to live with either
  9. Where have you been for the past few days http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/leicest...ire/6623127.stm
  10. What's the secret? Stay away from women but have loads handy when you need one Another season in the second division will be part of it
  11. I know what you are getting at! If it was me I wouldn't as I know it was a one off and they wouldn't do it again.
  12. Both are incidents where people felt compassion for them and felt the law shouldnt apply to them. Totally different in one sense but in another very similar with regards that people felt the law shouldnt apply to them. If we start disregarding the law (I sympathised with what he had done in some respects as who know's what we would do if push came to shove) but the law is the law and the day we start making the law more about emotion than reason and letting people off for neglecting kids and shooting people what next?
  13. He commited a crime and was sent to jail but many people felt it should never have went to court on compassionate grounds. Where do you draw the line? Understand
  14. Playing the devils advocate here questions is........ What would most of us done in his situation? Push comes to shove I would have done the same as a person can only take so much.
  15. Guy was called Tony Martin http://www.telegraph.co.uk/htmlContent.jht.../20/nmar20.html Do you think it was right he was sent to jail?
  16. Okay I agree but............... This gave me a moral dilemma as remember the guy who killed one of the young guys who broke into his house as the police werent doing anything about it? (His name escapes me just now) I agreed 100% that they got what they deserved as my opinion is if you put yourself into that situation you lose human rights and you take whatever happens to you. Criminals have too many rights today, they sue for any little reason as if they have been hard done by and usually get more compo than the actual victims, f**k em I say! I think it is, where do you draw the line?
  17. Debbies mother left them alone in the past and said she would never leave kids around in this day and age. You are taking things out of context
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