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Posts posted by Booker_d

  1. I was back in Edinburgh airport not too long ago. Shambles was an understatement. Was trying to get on a KLM flight to Schipol for a transfer. Arrived by accident at the airport 20 minutes before check-in opened. So thought Id have plenty time to maybe get a beer or go to the shops. Oh dear.

    There were only 3 staff on the desks. By the time we got to the front of the line it was only 15 minutes before departure. Luckily got a notification that the flight was delayed so made a dash for it through security, bypassing the clumsy oaf types that haven't a clue, the "no sir, you cant have this 750ml bottle of shampoo in your hand luggage" sorts. Made it to the gate to find to find the plane hadn't even boarded yet. Luck was in. 

    When on board, the pilot eventually came on the tannoy to apologise for the delay. Apparently the airport had sent the incoming flight to the wrong gate. Then they had forgot to provide stairs for the passengers to get off for about 40 minutes. Now we were waiting because despite everyone being on board, the ground staff had now forgotten to take the stairs away. This took about another 20 minutes for them to reappear. 

    I didn't have much time for KLM before this but I was really impressed with the crew. Once the seatbelt sign was off, the Captain swapped with one of the air stewardesses (obviously the co-pilot was flying, not her), grabbed an ipad and was moving all the passengers around, so that everyone with a quick turnaround time for their connections were seated at the front of the plane in time for landing. We didn't get moved as we had 35 minutes now for our flight, which was seemingly one of the longest. 

    We got to Amsterdam, and everyone on our flight seemed to make their connections. The groundstaff in Amsterdam there were all pointing the passengers the right way. It was so well done, the polar opposite of the incompetence at Edinburgh. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Gaz said:

    It won't happen.

    British people have been conditioned their whole lives to be servile and subservient. It's in their nature - respect your elders, respect your betters, "gaw'd bless you, Guv'nor".

    The Tories will get off with this Scot-free, and win another election in 2024.

    Meanwhile, the 30% of Scots who will never, ever vote for independence because SNP BAD JIMMY KRANKIE WEE NIPPY WATP GSTQ FTP will keep us in this shambles of a union.

    Is the correct answer ☝️

  3. 3 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

    That does strike me as a rather negative headline.

    Could we be seeing Italy's lockdown paying dividends?



    From other places around the world, lockdowns seem to be taking between 14-20 days to have any effect on lowering numbers of deaths so this is a promising, if still tragic, sign.

    And also why it was so important for Scotland to get it's collective finger out a week or 2 ago. Unfortunately when the shit hits the fans big time, you're going to have to sit through almost 3 weeks of devastation before even the slightest glimmer of hope appears. 

  4. 1 hour ago, tamthebam said:

    Wouldn't it be highly ironic that following the previously touted as healthy Mediterranean diet as the Italians do is bad for you whereas deep frying the f**k out of everything protects you from coronovirus...

    It won't, UK (Scotland included) is completely fucked, starting in a few days time. It's too late now to do anything, not that very much has been done anyway. 


    I can't believe what I'm reading online from Scotland. People seem to think this is all a big jolly and its just like a school holiday. Hundreds of people are going to be dieing daily very soon. Maybe then Scotland will take this seriously. It seems the only way. 


    Young people are not immune, statistics from Korea showed that the 20-29 age  group are actually the most likely to catch the virus. It will affect them very badly also, the only difference being that they have a better chance of not dieing. 

  5. 13 hours ago, JTS98 said:

    My work's Seoul operation is now shut for a week. Still open here in KL. Whether that Seoul closure really will be only a week is open to speculation.

    I've got holiday coming up in April and asked my boss today what the travel situation was likely to look like by then. We then had an off-the-record chat where the gaffer where we were advised it would be unwise to book flights too far into the future. April is considered too far into the future to be wise.

    We got the "on the record" message not to book flights until June and to book flexi-tickets or ones we can cancel as far away as August 🙄

    Hilariously, we are not to visit Singapore, Malyasia, Korea or Japan (with their excellent healthcare systems) but toilets like Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos are fine. Total nonsense. 

  6. 51 minutes ago, badgerthewitness said:

    One thing strikes me about recent figures, no fucking way does Russia only have a handful of cases.

    I know a few people who have gone to hospital asking to be tested (and willing to pay) and the hospital have point blank refused.

    You don't have cases, if you're not testing for it. Good for your economy, bad for the people. Be interesting to see pneumonia death stats come December. 

    South Korea have loads of cases cos they're testing 5000 people a day and actually facing up to reality (and treating it). 

  7. Yeah apparently the Grandfather lied repeatedly about going to Japan, gave it to his son who has probably spread it around the bank he works in and also his grandson who has probably spread it around the school.

    Human arrogance/ignorance/incompetence means this was never going to be controlled. Oh well.



  8. Japan, Korea and  especially Singapore are worth the watching in the coming weeks, they are likely to be more transparent about the real figures. 

    Despite Phuket being a popular stop on the cruise ship circuit, when asked why there hadn't been any more cases locally in the last fortnight, one of the local ministers this week said that the Thai government told him that he isn't allowed to talk to the press about it.  

    Speaking to various friends based around Asia, most folk's work places (including my own) seem to have contingency plans for impending quarantines. Almost as though it's going to be inevitable. thinking of getting my self a Playstation, just in case. 


  9. 16 hours ago, Dons_1988 said:


    You’re basically reading a long, drawn out daily record article.

    It’ll be an absolute load of shite with a grain of truth hidden in it somewhere.


    He does make a couple of fair points. He was found innocent in a court of law. Secondly, if he was lying then why would the uberest of staunch Donald Findlay defend him? 

    As the last few comments have highlighted, Whyte is the pantomime villain in the court of public opinion. Obviously various stories are embellished but the book is also chock full of undeniable facts.  

    If people would rather believe the Daily Record or Tam Cowan then fair enough. 

  10. Reading Whyte's book. Not that much in it that people following at the time probably didn't already know. The stuff about the court case is interesting. The first maybe quarter of the book is fluff.

    Very much written from the angle that nothing was his fault and he was duped but on the other hand a fair chunk of what he says stands up to scrutiny. The zombies will hate it cos there's quite a few home truths in there. Definitely worth the fiver it cost on Kindle, an easy read for a few hours.

  11. I live in Bangkok and EVERYONE at work has had some sort of cold or flu this week. So if the bioweapon rumours are true then we should dieing horrible deaths in about a week, which I guess saves me money on Valentines day. 

    Only what, 350 deaths? But a recent video shows a guy walking around a hospital in Wuhan and counts 8 bodybags in about 5 minutes. Top detective work finding 2% of the total deaths all within the space of 100 metres of each other. Maybe Alfredo Morelos's missus should have hired this guy instead?

  12. 5 hours ago, S7C said:

    Anyone flown Turkish through the new Istanbul airport?

    I have a two hour layover there on Sunday but I've read it's a nightmare transferring.

    Was there a couple of times recently. It is MASSIVE but might be my new favourite airport in the world. Shame you don't have longer to explore it. 

  13. Kata Beach is fine, there's less people there but it's a smaller beach too, so less space, and I feel this balances it out (compared to Patong Beach).  Didnt notice when you were going but keep in mind this is rainy season on the west coast of Thailand. 

    I love the Lion Bar on Patong, great live music. It's near the beach end of the road, on the same side as the McDonalds. 

    There's also Illuzion (other end of the road, same side). A big nightclub with fantastic sound system. Certain it's made some list of the top 50 nightclubs in the world recently. Doesn't have to be all ping pong balls and dead behind the eyes strippers if you dont' want it to be. 

    However, I have to admit I do enjoy a visit to Suzy Wongs, it's fairly tame in the grand scheme of things though. A nice introduction to Patong. 

    I'd agree with the recommendation of Koh Lahnta or Railey over Koh Phi Phi. I was back in KPP about 12 months after 8 years and the difference is unreal. It's nice to say you've been cos it's the place people have heard of but in reality there is litter everywhere and there's some really crappy attempt at a shopping mall been built next to the harbour that has no stores in it. Real shame.

  14. I've been fortunate to have been many places in the world but my taxi took a wrong turn and ended up in Agra "town" and it is by far the biggest shithole I've ever seen in my life. Conversely, the Taj is one of the most beautiful places I've beem and I was really surprised at how peaceful it was despite the thousands of people there (my experience anyway). 

    Toilets at services are possible but you will pick up germs from the walls and surfaces so take wipes and sanitiser. 

    You'll probably end up with the shits at some point so make sure you have imodium, part of the experience I suppose. 

  15. I had read a few not very flattering reviews before going to see the movie and having watched it now, have no idea where the critics got their ideas from. It's very enjoyable, even moreso than Homecoming, for me. 

    On a random side note, Peter Parker must have the most ethnically diverse class in the history of school. 

  16. Spiderman far from home

    Seems to be getting panned a bit by the critics but I really enjoyed it. Don't get me wrong, I thought the first half of the movie was clunky and just didn't click at times, and the 2 teachers in charge of the school trip made me want to get up and punch the screen. There was a lot to live up to after Endgame, I guess. However, I thought the 2nd half of the movie  was great. I really enjoyed Jake Gyllenhaal as Mysterio and also the modern take on the character. 

    The post credit scenes are a must-watch, for a variety of reasons. 


  17. Robert The Bruce

    Saw this the other day as part of the Edinburgh Film Festival. Understandable why Cineworld have chosen not to release it, it's pretty boring and will have a limited appeal (mainly to uber-nationalists). Hardly anything to do with Scottish history. Angus McFadyen is hilariously bad for the first hour or so, whenever his is in it it's mainly a close up of him with an exasperated look on his face but saying nothing. The other performances in it however are pretty decent. My friend described the movie as "the actors did well with not very much to work with". I felt that was a fair summary of proceedings. 

    If not for the occasional character references such as The Bruce, The Black Douglas and John Comyn , this could have been a movie about anyone that lived on a croft in that time period.  I've seen this referred to as some sort of follow up to Braveheart but you couldn't be further from that suggestion. This is TV movie or straight to DVD level, which is disappointing because I wanted it to be good. 

    The screening was followed by a Q&A and some of the cringeworthy questions asked (mainly questions about independence rather than the movie we had just watched) probably said a lot about the type of people this movie will appeal to. The cast however, fielded the questions well and were intelligent and amusing.

    See it if you must but don't say you weren't warned. It's just no very good. 


  18. Captain Marvel



    Loved Thor Ragnarok, Black Panther and especially Infinity War so war really looking forward to this. Underwhelming is the word that repeatedly comes to mind. For me the best parts of the movie come before and after the film itself. The updated Marvel Studios scroll that they have at the start of every movie would bring a tear to a glass eye, and the first post-credit seen was the only other time in the 2+ hours I felt emotion of any other kind. 

    I guess the overall thing about the movie is that it's kinda boring. You keep waiting for it to get going but it never truely does. People were leaving their seats to go to the toilet and I caught myself on Facebook a couple of times.  Character development is very one-dimensional, acting seems pretty poor, there's no subtlety about the music (which to be fair brought back some nice memories personally but along with the references to slow internet are the only reminders that the film is supposed to be set in the 90s) or the "humour". Most strikingly though is that Brie Larson's character is just pretty annoying. She's obnoxious throughout and generally comes across pretty unlikeable. 

    It's not a bad movie by any means, just cliched and, well, average. Marvel has raised the bar recently and there is so much expectation on this movie that it kind of failed to deliver IMO. But not long to wait until the next Avengers movie. Captain Marvel will make a tonne of money then by the time people realise that it isn't actually all that good, it'll be time for Endgame. 

    The second Post-credit scene is a monumental waste of time. Like Ant-Man and the Wasp drum-playing bad. The movie's failed "humour" at play again. 



  19. Just finished reading the NITRO book about the rise and fall of WCW. An absolute must-read for anyone who was a fan at the time. Most engrossed I've ever been in a wrestling book since Mick Foley's first offering. 

    Book kind of loses its way in the last quarter, I think that's less to do with the writing style of the author and more a reflection of him trying to keep up with the absolute state the company was in. 

  20. Morning,

    Going on  stag night soon and looking for suggestions for dares and challenges for the would-be groom to do while we are there. Nothing that is going to get him arrested (preferably). I have had a look around various websites which all seem to have the same dozen or so suggestions over and over. Also had a search around this forum which seems to be mainly about suggestions based on the particular city.  What I am on the look out for here is challenges or stupid tasks for him to do. 


    Anyone have any suggestions that they would like to share?

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