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The Saintee

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Everything posted by The Saintee

  1. Good news about Sprangler. Hopefully he stays fit and keeps MacPherson out the side.
  2. At least Considine and Crawford are gone so some of the Davidson stench is away. We'll always have that trapped ball at Tynie to cling to.
  3. I think it's reasonable it expect some kind of issue if I've been unable for that work for about 80% of the time. I certainly wouldn't be expecting any increase in my wages. And no other team in the top league will be wanting him. It's only us daft enough to persevere.
  4. Another year of extra pressure on the defence when runners just breeze past him as he stands and points.
  5. Fucking hell. He's barely proven at this level and collapsed just a few weeks ago with the difference in intensity. Sign Bair FFS.
  6. Gordon has done literally nothing to warrant increased terms.
  7. Well, Gordon and Phillips might get that from down south. We're the only ones stupid enough to keep the anti-vaxx, 9/11 truther.
  8. Not as good as I was hoping but at least Crawford is gone.
  9. With our brand new name on it in an American sports style. Perth Pirates.
  10. Tommy loved a big huddy as well. At least Connor Sammon is too old now.
  11. If Considine thinks he can play on somewhere then a loved one needs to have a quiet word.
  12. Let's hope that Steve Brown had f**k all to do with the Mitov clause.
  13. They probably should but won't. The fans would rather they spend £3-4 million on someone from Parma or somewhere.
  14. Yeah. If anyone deserves a chance to move then it's Mitov. He's been great and there's a very real chance that we'd have been down or at least solidly in the playoff spot without him.
  15. The playoffs gave us Motherwell v Rangers. It's a glorious invention.
  16. Presumably McPake has been impressive in training. Similarly to MacPherson
  17. It's absolutely staggering the amount of money we've wasted in recent years. And Tommy got SFA to spend after the cup win in 2014.
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