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Bairney The Dinosaur

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Posts posted by Bairney The Dinosaur

  1. Nor at either Bainsford Primary or Falkirk High School. I was one of them and used to get a lot of stick for the  team I'd chosen to support. 
    As for the age demographic thing, I think we have more young fans than people realise. Before covid arrived there were over a thousand kids a week playing organised football in navy blue strips with steeples on their chest. When you add  in parents and siblings that's a lot of families who'll have an affection for the club. 
    Community football might not be of interest to most folk who follow the professional game but I think it's  a big factor in growing a fanbase. And the Foundation have been very active for a long time now. 
    Agreed! Although technically last year the kids were in the red away strips and this year it won't be a Falkirk kit at all (just a generic light blue puma top) which is a bit of a shame.
  2. We have a wizzo spreadsheet modelling our signings.
    We will get a good look at a player we were offered that Corzo and M&M turned down against Arbroath. Dylan Patterson signed for them in the summer from Bo’ness after we refused to take a look at the lad for a couple of weeks when he wasn’t working. 
    The lad came though the ranks at Rangers but went off the rails a bit when his brother died. 
    Was amazed when I heard we ignored him. Anyone within 10 miles of Stirling knows he is player. It was around the same time Jamie Penker was ignored, he just so happened to finish top scorer in the Lowland league.

    Wouldn't surprise me if missing out on them, + a few others, had something to do with them trying to rush through a 'development team'.
  3. Hi, I was one of the 11 and trust me, this was about helping to drive the football club forward. We were absolutely committed to working with The Rawlins, but with an investment of this size and I strongly believe we would have got more people on board (including a fans initiative), there had to be change. I would ask anyone who was looking to put in an investment of circa £550k plus, would you want a major say in the running of the club? I think we all know the answer. Now, if I had the good of OUR football club at heart and was a Board member and this offer came along, I would have opened the Boardroom door, welcomed the group inside and wished them the very best of luck as I passed them on the way out. What Mr Colborn said on Thursday that it wasn’t in the Director’s remit (or words to that effect), doesn’t wash, an EGM could have been called and it would have flown through. This is every Falkirk supporters club and a big part of our town and community also. From the family buying their season tickets and strips and the people who can afford to buy shares etc it is everyone’s club as an equal. The Directors are there for the good of the club and have to ensure that they park their personalities and do the right thing. I sincerely hope that better times are just around the corner as we are in intensive care and need to get back on our feet and quickly. I for one wish Phil Rawlins the very best of luck. 
    CC52 back from the grave.
  4. Fair play to you BPM. You’ve consistently given answers to questions on here and you’re not hiding behind a username as I think most of us know who you are. You also manage to provide what appears to be factual information without resorting to the juvenile stuff.
    I supported the old BTB bib and would probably have supported this had I known about it.
    The only observation I’d make is the “let the club get on with their business without this distraction”. I agree completely. I just wish some of the posters on here would buy into it.
    I would not be surprised if BPM was one of the individuals the board was hinting at wanting to return to some sort of discussion.
  5. I'll stick to 3 main takeaways too.

    1. Rawlins, particularly Phil, do seem to know what they're doing. Thought they did answer how many shares they were willing to take when stated they would want no more than a third of the club.

    2. Breakdown in discussions with fans groups seems to me to come down to a clash of egos. My opinion is that it is on the board to be the ones to manage a situation like that rather than the fans groups. After all, it is the groups which are offering investment, not the board. Without really much prior knowledge to how discussions would have gone I can imagine it was something like,

    Fans group - "Here is £550k but we want Deans and Holt out" or "We want this sign here on the stand"
    Board - "That's ridiculous we are not going to do that. Don't be so stupid" or "That's a health and safety risk, don't be ridiculous"
    Fans group - "Don't call us stupid/ridiculous , nah we're out"

    A situation (which I admit I just made up) that is completely resolved if the board are careful with their wording.

    3. Why oh why can we not get through any sort of communication with the board without their being some mention of fan 'wrongdoing'. Tonight it was us needing to be more understanding [emoji849]. Do they not realise that this is the exact thing which gets the fans backs up and stops these issues being repaired.

  6. We need to have a question formatted for this Q&A that due to sheer volume can't be easily ignored. There will be people much better at this than me but something like...

    Recent social media discourse appears to suggest that the current Board of Directors are, at best, difficult to work with. This discourse has been verified by the Crunchie Iniative (fans group created to recognise club legend Kevin McAllister) who stated that "behaviours demonstrated by this board... have been wholly unacceptable". As the saying goes, 'no smoke without fire' , so why are the board treating fans in a 'wholly unacceptable' manner?

  7. A note first to say that I hope whatever issue KK is having with Mental health/stress gets easier for him soon. All been there and it's horrible.

    He made a lot of money for the club, especially during the middling years of his time at the club, but I'm not disappointed he's leaving now. He was an ever-present in multiple boards who led our downfall and would continuously spite the fans.

  8. The 500k would have been something good - the red lines maybe not.  
    It sounds like I have 100% faith in the Rawlins.  I don't but I just think we spent so long trying to get control from MR and SA to someone with a bit more know how.  We seem to have that and most of you seem to want to take that influence away and hand it to a group of fans (who haven't even made their identity or proposals public) before the Rawlins have even made it over here.  On top of that it sounds like MR and SA seem to be in favour of letting the fans group in (which would have been the ultimate red flag a few weeks ago). 

    Its a typical Falkirk made mess.  

    I do actually get what you are saying in terms of letting the Rawlins do their thing and try get us going in the right direction.

    However, I don't see how replacing 2 current board members who have invested very little, or indeed nothing, with 2 guys who would have stops the Rawlins from doing anything?
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