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Reggie Perrin

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Posts posted by Reggie Perrin

  1. What is this three strikes and you are out nonsense?

    One strike and you are out for any INDIVIDUALS caught but ridiculous to try and affix blame to the entire Ultras grouping.

    Never been a fan of the drum or the Ultras tag but these youngsters have made a hugely positive effect on the match day experience.

    It would be really disappointing for that to be lost because of an over reaction.

    Target the wee arseholes involved and hammer them but leave the decent majority to provide support to the team.

    One or two on here with a sadly obvious agenda of getting rid of the entire group.

  2. 5 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

    Don’t agree that they were an inferior football team. It was hardly the case that we had them penned in but were unable to make the breakthrough- we didn’t create enough at all.

    They are not a swashbuckling side but that is not required to be a good tesm. They are clearly well drilled and effective at playing the way they do. 

    They were inferior in so much as they had next to no flair or creativity but they were very well organised and played to their strengths which were basically stopping us from playing our game.

  3. As for last night we were beaten by an inferior football team who were superior at carrying out their game plan.

    It was crystal clear when listening to their manager’s pre match interview that he knew exactly how we would set up for this match and his tactics were spot on.

    Had we scored the first goal I think that we would have gone on to win reasonably comfortably but of course that’s auntie had baws stuff.

    My concern centres on our failure to adapt to the challenge TNS set us last night.

  4. 1 hour ago, AGPar said:

    Slightly annoying that we have still not completely shaken off Hamilton, with the run we are on, a double-digit lead would, in many other seasons, have been very much within expectation. Should have been going into a home game against Montrose today absolutely flying on the back of last week's result and performance, this three week break from league games is incredibly inconvenient.

    Hamilton will be seeing the game in two weeks times as last chance saloon, we just have to make sure we put them away and shut them up once and for all.

    Really don’t see anything remotely annoying about being 8 points and 11 goals better off than our only challengers.

    No one would have expected this level of dominance before the season started.

  5. 2 hours ago, BPM Again said:

    I remember doing business in the early 90’s in NI. I used to get a taxi driver to take me around clients as you just needed to be careful where you went to. I now regularly go to Dungannon to see a client and it is a lovely place to go - even though it seems to rain even more than Scotland. On top of that the people are lovely. 

    I used to do a lot of business over there both during and after “the Troubles”.

    People were extremely friendly and genuine, much more so than the vastly overrated Dublin where they will be your best friend if they are taking money off you but don’t want to know you if you are trying to sell to them.

    Belfast could be a wee bit intimidating if you didn’t have a grasp of the geography and political/religious divide, for example the Falls and Shankhill Roads are very close but a world apart.

    Took a few wrong turns and ended up in some interesting areas, one unintended visit to Short Strand in the early 90’s was like 10 minutes in Stalingrad!

    Visiting Belfast in a couple of weeks for a wee anniversary break before driving down to Spanish Point in the Republic for our son’s wedding.

    All in all a good city.

  6. 2 hours ago, FuzzyBear said:

    Rankin should have been sacked in Oct 22.  Horrendous manager and only morons like Strain think he is competent. As an aside have a club dropped as much as Accies in the time that a new DOF has been in place.

    And very worryingly there were only 14 more at the game than there were at the Linlithgow game today.


    Can’t believe a big club like the Rose had a smaller turnout than diddy Accies!

  7. 20 minutes ago, ShaggerG said:

    I was just a wee bit concerned about the interview. He wasn't just quite as upbeat as usual, obviously down to the defeat, but I also think the pitchgate thing is still rankling with him, despite him saying that we need to put it behind us. I hope that the comments re the players being buzzing and them having a great week's training are accurate?

    I was a bit bothered with the signings chat too. IMO, although we have good numbers in most positions, I do think we need to bring in a right sided CB. I wouldn't want to lose Hendo from the middle, I'd rather we had a ready made replacement. From his comments though, it sounds unlikely.

    I hate to hear that players are buzzing and have had a great weeks training.

    Inevitably followed up by a dire performance and a pumping!

  8. 1 hour ago, HopeStreetWalker said:

    Not being negative, being realistic.

    Will explain it for you since you are having trouble understanding the issue.

    There are X amount of shares issued. Falkirk Fans Consortium* currently hold 25% of them.

    Should there be a further share issue and * don't buy them then that 25% figure will drop. Hope this is of help. Whatever partnership agreement is in place or how its worded won't make difference. 

    Being deliberately dense.

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