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Stephen Malkmus

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Everything posted by Stephen Malkmus

  1. I think so. The club/Tulloch got planning permission to build a fairly large gym and members' bar in the North Stand car park in 2007 but didn't build it unfortunately. Probably spent too much paying off Brewster or something.
  2. Things are going in the right direction in terms of absolute poverty too:
  3. Can't wait to see the lush, illuminated pastures of Firhill on the widescreen on Friday night. This could be a big week for Patrick if they get past Arbroath on Tuesday and then us. One of our best performances of the season came in this fixture a few months back so hopefully we can repeat it - will likely be a lottery though. Last time the coloured dots gimmick was used we lost embarrassingly to Ayr, but we need all the hype we can get at the moment.
  4. This Telegram channel is good for updates/videos etc. Obviously makes more sense if you have a Russian translator on your phone/computer. https://t.me/s/voynareal
  5. Found this a bit more useful than some of the IR1001 takes floating about. https://prospect.org/world/worse-than-a-crime-its-a-blunder-russia-ukraine-lieven-interview/
  6. Don't know if you really want someone who's had 20 years' worth of blows to the head in charge at a time like this.
  7. Dodds will probably have a break clause in his contract that means we can sack him for a reduced payoff if he doesn't meet his objectives for the season, which probably include finishing in the playoffs. If we scrape into the playoffs he'll be staying
  8. I'd get Steven Naismith in. Fits in with the Gardiner model but actually has connections, relevant experience, is actively looking for a job and might be good
  9. Absolutely delighted that I don't have to pay for a stream for this. Will still be watching though
  10. At least with every team in the league breaking their "Inverness Hoodoo" this season we won't have to hear about it again in every thread
  11. Sean Mcginty is what you would call a horse if horses had first names and surnames
  12. Don't think so as Mackay is shown on the teamlines as our starting gk. Must have been earlier in the week
  13. Ridgers injured and 41 year old Ryan Esson on the bench. The rest of our defence is looking very ropey too
  14. Can't believe that worked. Won't be back til SandyCromarty wins the Euromillions and buys the club.
  15. Genuinely beggars belief that you would accuse someone of being "silly" for condemning racism. All the best to QoS, don't appoint a racist. I'm out.
  16. Kick It Out, football’s equality and inclusion organisation, has released a statement after The Football Association (FA) announced that Malky Mackay and Iain Moody are not being charged for alleged racist, antisemitic, sexist and homophobic comments. A statement from Kick It Out reads: “Kick It Out is of the view that The Football Association (FA) has damaged its own credibility and anti-discrimination policies by taking the decision not to charge former Cardiff City and Wigan Athletic manager Malky Mackay and Iain Moody, a former employee of Cardiff and Crystal Palace, for alleged racist, antisemitic, sexist and homophobic comments revealed by the Daily Mail in August 2014. It is Kick It Out’s view that The FA needed to take a strong position to help prove football’s ‘zero-tolerance’ approach towards discriminatory practices. Instead, we have another example of the status quo being reinforced, and discriminatory practices being allowed to flourish in ‘no-go’ areas such as within the exclusivity of boardrooms, training grounds and dressing rooms, and via private communication networks. “How can anybody truly challenge discrimination and prejudiced attitudes in football with confidence now? The apparent reluctance to punish comments and behaviour considered as ‘banter’ or ‘light-hearted culture’ within these settings is entirely damaging. It is an insult to those affected by discrimination and offers the prospect of further victimisation if they are to take a stand and confront it.
  17. There certainly will be ten ball-fearing white objects falling around shambolically in Inverness on Saturday, but you won't find them at Rollerbowl
  18. There's nothing racist or sectarian about calling someone a mason, sonam, as they are not a race nor a religious sect.
  19. If you genuinely think that bringing attention to your manager's racism is "point scoring" and just as bad as the racist texts themselves then you have serious issues. The texts should have been brought up by your fanbase constantly until he was chased out of your club like has happened elsewhere in Scottish football recently, not swept under the carpet under the pretence of forgiveness like you are currently seeking to do. Your manager's comments after Tam Courts took a stand against racism show that he hasn't changed, and your fanbase's complicity show that there is a long way to go before racism is treated as seriously as it should be in Ross-shire. Claiming that re-posting the texts is as bad as making the comments thenselves is genuinely disgraceful. Freemasonry isn't a sect, btw.
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