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Stephen Malkmus

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Everything posted by Stephen Malkmus

  1. Mark Brown is sitting across from me on this megabus. Just thought you should know.
  2. Bought these today. According to the website they are sure to give me "an edgy look". A bold claim to make about a relatively plain pair of trainers.
  3. His head . He looks like a squashed Billy Mckay. Must have a massive cock though, tbf.
  4. He'd have been as well staying at ICT then, as we've got as much chance of qualifying for Europe this season as you lot.
  5. Yeah, our 25000 seater stadium was a terrible idea.
  6. Weezer - The world has turned and left me here
  7. I watched an interview with Paul Banks from Interpol recently where he talks about finding the balance between perfectionism and just getting stuff out there, sounds like he tends to lean towards the latter (from 2:20, the whole thing is interesting though, even if you don't listen to that type of music): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ndw4UHYvuqs When you're just starting out though, I think aiming for perfection (whatever that may mean to you) is the way to go when it comes to creating as, although it can be maddening, the results will always be better than if you set your standards low.
  8. I've been writing songs for a couple of years now. They're sort of progressed through various degrees of pishness so far - and still are - but I'm learning all the time which is pretty rewarding in itself. The idea now is to write roughly an album's worth of songs which are at a good standard and then hopefully starting a band to record/play them live (obviously, music being "good" or "bad" is subjective, but I'm getting better at knowing why I like certain aspects of music now as opposed to before, when if I liked something I didn't really know what the artist was doing in terms of chord progressions, dynamics, mixing etc. This means I can take aspects of songs I like and re-imagine/build upon them). Will likely take a couple of years or might never get finished, but it's something to work towards for the moment anyway.
  9. Fairly sure most guys around my age will have a battered pair of K-Swiss sitting at the back of a wardrobe/in the attic somewhere. The Tongue Twisters were particularly sought after if I recall correctly.
  10. Kyle Falconer supplements his income by working as a Harry Styles lookalike, mainly attending teenage girls birthday parties in England.
  11. The night isn't darkest just before the dawn. It is actually darkest just after sunset.
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