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Posts posted by BuddieInDundee

  1. Getting the train to and from work for the foreseeable future, and already I'm beginning to get mildly irritated at what must be fairly standard practices on one of these bloody things.

    Example, some boy in the row next to me with his laptop out slamming his keys furiously and unnecessarily loudly. Glanced over to see what the f**k was so important about three times, and each time it's been a blank e-mail open. Of course he's already been on the phone speaking at a ridiculous volume to Nathan about how to get to 'his' office.

    Is this a common thing to get pissed off at or is it just me being a moody c**t due to working a bank holiday Monday?

  2. Absolutely brutal to watch, thankfully I was steaming for most of it. Stank of an 'already on the beach' kind of performance, whereas Edinburgh looked like they really had a point to prove.

    I played against that lad Sam Thomson at school, very average back then but obviously one can't judge a player from when he was 16!

  3. 5c70b29908bbab7ced07dded7b4c9597.jpg

    Should be noted that this c**t was indeed privately educated and does not, from memory, speak remotely as he types. There are numerous posts like these aimed at a twitter/Facebook audience presumably to further some sort of tragic attempt at a 'Glaswegian patter' type of comedy career on social media.

    Get. In. The. Bin.

  4. 22 hours ago, 1320Lichtie said:


    At Uni on a Tuesday there's barely anyone actually smoking cigarettes.

    Funny as f**k walking past the smoking area and getting hit with the smell of bubblegum and mixed berries instead of smoke.



    That's fucking shocking, back in my day you were guaranteed to have at least one lung full of toxic, stinking fumes whilst getting to class.

    Its pyoor helf and saftey gawn mad

  5. The amount of folk vaping now is mental.


    It does pain me to be a part of the band, better than he alternative.

    Overheard a classic f**k boy in the shop saying to his mate "Man, beginning to think I, y'know, need to give up the vaping?"

    Jesus wept.
  6. All these technological advances and yet it seems the only way to effectively apply for a job is by handing out CVs in person.

    Apparently having a LinkedIn profile and creating the biggest possible image of a c**t is the best way to get a job nowadays.

    Quite a few of my mates have it, and if I ever saw an applicant with that sort of guff written on a page I'd immediately dismiss their credentials. I can see the benefits of having a profile, but the vast majority of people I see on it come across as self important arseholes

  7. Yes and I'm in no place to criticise anyone for how they spend their money, was just a remark as to how Adams post came across to me. It reminds me of my father who complains that he can't go out drinking in rural Scotland and drive home anymore because the police are far more into clamping down on drink drivers than they were 20 odd years ago.

    Fair enough. Those damn police, catching drunk drivers instead of catching burglars, rapists, immigrants, lefties etc etc

  8. What sort of a world is it we live in that a poor guy in his 20's can't even afford a recreational activity that will more than likely kill him from cancer? My heart bleeds.

    I think that was the point we were trying to make; it is indeed a stupidly expensive thing to do.
  9. I quit smoking five weeks ago. I've used the patches and the lozenges and I've never looked back. I had a cigarette on a night out a couple of weeks ago, but didn't enjoy it. Really can't see myself ever going back on the fags, just too expensive more than anything!

    Aye the cost of it is insane


    Three fucking thousand pounds [emoji30]
  10. That's what I'm on now and I love it. I particularly love getting new liquids and trying all the different flavours, but I feel like a right p***k. 
    I didn't even intend on quitting either. I started smoking late at around 20 but I loved it. Last year I turned 30 and my mate posted a rather comical card through my door a few days before my birthday. Inside the card there was a wee bag of grass and a note reading "you always said you would quit when you turned 30, but you didn't say anything about this". I had forgotten all about the 30 remark, but I thought I would go for it. I got patches and they worked a treat. I was off them for around a month but I wasn't enjoying it. I always enjoyed having a fag. I was never the type of person that would light a fag and go "I need to chuck this", so I went out and bought myself one. Cracking wee decision. 
    I've been off them now for around 5 months and only had 1 fag. It was during a night out and my battery ran out. The guy I was out with smokes so I would go out with him whenever he went. I refused the first 4 or 5 times but I was getting a craving so I took one. I enjoyed it but the taste wasn't so great and it hasn't crossed my mind to have one since. 
    What I have noticed though is I'm properly chugging away at my fake fag. I don't mind spending the money on the liquids because I do get enjoyment out of it, but I'm just worried I'm relying far too much on this thing. 
    I still love the smell of the real thing. Walking past someone who's smoking... lovely. 

    Well done mate, keep it up. Even if the health benefits don't bother you, it makes one hell of a difference to your bank account eh!

    Had the same situation with the e-cigarette running out of battery. Had a fag and after two draws I violently spewed all over Ashton Lane, absolutely disgusting.

    Thankfully it was a quiet Wednesday night so no one saw me apart from my pals!
  11. Always found this to be a bit of a cringe worthy and non sensical argument, the worst attributes found in 'millennials' were probably applicable to older generations when they were younger in some way shape or form too.

    I do, however, think there is a huge problem with instant gratification and sense of entitlement amongst people my age (24). The people in their 40s or 50s who happen to be in well paid jobs and can afford to live a semi-luxurious lifestyle can do so due to decades of experience in a certain profession, which in turn results in them becoming a valuable acquisition for a company who will be willing to pay more for their services. The amount of people that I went into university and school with who are lamenting the lack of jobs available for graduates is quite something considering they really mean someone is not willing to pay them £25K a year.

    Social media has a part to play too, some people are desperately insecure so feel the need to show off how well they're doing as if their 'friends' are going to be somewhat impressed.

    If your friends are that bothered about your job/financial situation, then they really aren't your friends at all.

  12. Just catching up on this. What on earth did the back line look like when Pyrgos, Price, Russell and Weir were all on the pitch?

    Grim. But didn't look like it was going to be much better anyway.

    FWIW Price looked competent on the wing.
  13. He hasn't attempted to wrap at all - he's swung one arm in.
    It's completely illegal.

    I can't believe the TMO didn't notice that. At least it doesn't make a difference as the only aim now is to keep it sub 50 points.
  14. A lot of people going on about how great England look. Is it just me who thinks it's us making them look good by missing tackles and making basic errors? Hate to admit it but this hurts.

    No, you could fit a bus through the gap the two centres are leaving in defence.

    We've completely shat the bed.
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