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Everything posted by theProdigy

  1. Yeah it'll be a different team... But each year they have been in the south, the squad has got better and they have been better coached so I'd expected them to be around mid-table
  2. Yeah I completely get you! A full functional pyramid should work that way... I, for one, hold no sour grapes against Edu and wish them well! I have nothing against the team, coaches or players... They've done their job tbf! But yeah I do feel that some teams voted them into the league and have decided they don't like them as they are better than expected... But you'll always get those people no matter what level you are at!
  3. Krissian scored for Annan at the end of last month... Maybe he is not getting his contract renewed but that happens to many players!
  4. I wouldn't say it reflects badly on anyone tbf... These boys are, for the most part, good players! Three of last years group are playing at Annan (Raffi Krissian, Jean Guy Lucas & Tony Riberio) and one is at Glacis United in the Gibraltar Premier Division (Yves Nyami)... Albeit this is a small number but, a few have come back for a second year and a few will have gone to other clubs so I'd say they will be working to a success!
  5. It's entertaining to listen to your conspiracy theories when you don't watch Wigtown and you don't know any of the players... Edu won the title fair and square, but if you watch each of the 3 games that determined the title (Wigtown vs Nithsdale, Edu vs Wigtown, Mids vs Wigtown), refereeing helped shape two games while all 3 sides game planned, successfully, and cause problems! When you know the boys as well as I do, and have watched all their games this season, you would have noticed that in some of the games (the draws against Saints and Threave for example), Wigtown have got lucky with what has gone on and as a result have gained points they shouldn't have got... Sometimes teams lose! Surprised your not suggesting that Mids and Lochar, who were in the top three for most of the first half of the season and led the league until mid-September, threw the league... Or is that still yet to come? Also surprised you haven't suggested that Saints threw the game against Edu a few weeks ago...
  6. So they have given a handful of Scottish lads a chance to play this season... That's giving Scottish youths a chance to play! However, you'll be the same sort of person who will be calling for Celtic/Rangers/whichever SPFL club you support to sign the top talent they can afford, regardless of nationality! It's really poor that your big problem is that players from one country (France) are getting a chance to showcase their skills and improve in a different country (Scotland)... And you say that you feel it is the SFA's fault for giving them a license... Well first of all, they don't need a license to compete in the Juniors, Amateurs or in either of the league's at Tier 6, so the SFA can't actually be at fault for this! But however, you could land the blame with the EU as they allow free movement of people which enables these French lads to move here and play! And finally, to answer your question on what they provide to Scottish football... They are a competitive team which, as a result of playing against them, means other teams, players and coaches improve as they have to attempt to beat them... They also add to the diversity of Scottish football! As they add players from a different country... They also get to play the sport they love whilst studying English! So in effect, this team is the same as that of Stirling, Edinburgh and Glasgow Universities who all have their license and are student based teams! These teams also see constant overhaul of players and will have foreigners playing, so they should also not be allowed to play too, surely? Hope this makes you see some reason!
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