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Posts posted by Akritoi

  1. I got some personal issues, which Im not going to go into here...but Im scared to go to sleep now. I need to be up at half 6 tomorrow for work, and I know I need sleep....but as soon as I put the lights out I know the voices will come back again.

    Im looking for excuses to stay up at the moment, I dont know if I will be able to hold myself together without something else to occupy my mind. I have issues :(

    Voices? :blink:

  2. Music query for BA. I downloaded a song supposedly down by Pearl Jam ("I can feel it coming back again"), yet cannot for the life of me find the lyrics for it on any of their discographys. Name of the song ring any bells to you, mate?

  3. Kingdom of Heaven - 7/10

    Was alright, enjoyed it. What I fail to understand is how easily Jerusalem fell. It took the Romans bloody ages taking it against little more than a bandit force - I would have thought they would have been able to hold for a little while longer than what seemed only a couple of days.

  4. Legs - ZZ Top

    Classic, mind my girlfriend (well its confused at the moment. Its like a whole ex, I love you you love me, thing going on. Really quite ammusing for an outsider. Anyway) playing that when I was in her room :lol:

    "She's got legs, and she knows how to use them"

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