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Jakes Pal

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Posts posted by Jakes Pal

  1. Tell me one sectarian song Celtic fans sing then? I take you do know the meaning of sectarian?


    I seem to remember hearing on more than one occasion Rasellikbyrawaybigman supporters singing about there soon being no Protestants at all. Seem to remember various Rangers managers over the years bein referred to as Orange b*****ds, also seem to remember them singing songs in praise of a sectarian murder gang who murdered Protestants for being a Protestant. Taxi drivers shot in the back of the head, the Shankhill Road bombing, Omagh etc, etc.


    No doubt that some moron will try to claim that that these action were political in nature and therefore are not sectarian.

  2. Perhaps the point is that even though no repeat referendum is immediately on the horizon; such a prospect is nothing like as distant as that of any big glamorous league wanting associated with you lot.

    I absolutely agree with you. Surprising as it may seem to some, I am amongst the vast majority of Bears who want to see us once again shiteing upon the rest of Scottish Football from a great height before we turn our attention to doing the same against Johnny Foreigner.

  3. Sevco Scotland, international class.

    and too big for Scottish Football all ready. Warburton agreeing with Desmond Dermot Desmond Desmont http://www.skysports.com/football/news/11787/10012158/dermot-desmond-says-it-is-inevitable-celtic-and-rangers-join-premier-league.

    And another thing ....the hideous unworkable subject of a British League has raised its ugly head, regardless that we will probably be an independent country before anyone tries to set that one up.

    Dream on. Scotland said No in a once in a generation vote. Any separatist mob who try to hold another vote because the first one did not go their way will be very disappointed. The current UK Government, headed by the Prime Minister who agreed to a once in a generation referendum will not, under any circumstances agree to another separatist vote.

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