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Doc Sportello

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Posts posted by Doc Sportello

  1. Nevill was doing a good job grinding away with his defensive play. Close to 150 balls he's survived now. Seemed like he and Johnson had the makings of a good partnership on the go, before Johnson jumped the shark. Can't see him and Starc surviving too long tomorrow mind you, although you'd think Anderson's injury would give them a wee bit of confidence that they could make an ok score.

    ps. Why is everyone here such partisan England fans? I'm kind of surprised by it, to be quite honest.

  2. The Aussie pacemen should find this wicket pretty tasty as well, although a few of the batsmen have thrown their wicket. Bizarre stuff from MC, seemed more interested in the verbals than concentrating on the bowling.

    They have the better bowling line-up for sure. Will be interesting to see how much confidence Finn and Anderson have given the England batsmen.

  3. The Wackness(2008)

    Coming-of-age comedy starring Josh Peck as an early 90s high school kid about to go off to uni who spends his summer selling weed to, amongst others, Ben Kingsley, a therapist he sees and pays with tha sweet dank. Olivia Thirlby acts as the love interest and the therapists daughter. Funny, nostalgic and quite emosh at parts as well. Really nice 90s hip-hop soundtrack to it as well.



    Ben Kinglsey got a Razzie for this performance I think. Not sure why tbh, he wasn't that bad.
  4. Yeah let's blame the manager who brought in the best player in the league to help you. What was your objective at the start of the season? To get promoted? To win the league? He's surely matched expectations, unless you thought you'd win the league by 15 points after your last horrendous campaign in this division.

    He got the majority of his signings wrong actually, which led to an overload of centre-backs being played at left-back, right-back, right-midfield, up-front and continually throughout the season at centre-mid. He deserves credit for signing McManus and getting rid of Barrowman for Forbes in January, but his record in the transfer market is sketchy at best.

    It wasn't unreasonable to think we'd be challenging with Dunfermline for the league, and being well clear of the rest of the pack. Dunfermline then turned out to be absolute horse, and we still couldn't keep up with diddy teams with 300 fans for most of the season, until we finally took them over on the last day of the season after they both shat it big style. We were terrible for large parts of the season, awful in the cup competitions, our defence was a shambles throughout the entire season and we conceded the first goal in an unacceptable number of games.

    There's nothing to suggest from last season, or from his past record at other clubs that he's equipped to be a successful manager at Championship level.

  5. Can't believe the amount of grief Duffy is getting on here. He won you lot your first trophy in however long and deserves at least a season back in the big leagues. We almost couldn't have had a trickier opening game.

    If he'd won it by 15 points, pumping everyone along the way you'd have a point, but he didn't. He stumbled over the line thanks mainly to the Stranraer/Forfar bottle crash and McManus being the only player of quality in the league. Including cup games I think we lost 13 or 14 games to part-time teams over the course of the season, which is simply not good enough for a professional team with much greater resources than all of the opposing teams.

    He has a lot to do to prove he's capable of managing at this level.

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