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Posts posted by BaSeDG0DSA1NT

  1. Just done my first card.

    1 OOB and 2 doubles 85 Scoonie.

    Roll on saturday where hopefully I can tody up a little.

    ETA - I shit the bed standing on the white tees and was shaking like f**k the whole way round the course with nerves lol

    Round 2 today 92 - 25 over par.

    I hate golf 😢

  2. Just watched the new episode Ep03.

    With risk of sounding like a 12year old girl its quite gruesome.

    I'm really enjoying this now and think this is going to be a good season.

    I'm still watching and really enjoying it, I like this much more than TWD first 10 episodes.

    Its only been a few days so still time when in Mexico or from Flashbacks to see the whole outbreak.

  3. What did you guys think of Insall during his loan spell.

    Really hope we give him a chance in the first team next season.

    I thought he was a cracking player who can score goals and wish him well in the future.

    He always seemed to be in the right place at the right time and the ball would drop to him in the box to tuck away.

    He runs and runs and gives everything in a game amd has a very good strike from distance.

  4. My precise thought too - See Beric's sacrifice/LS in the books.

    I also wondered if Theon might come into Jon's resurrection. He's heading to the wall, he has king's blood and he doesn't really have a purpose/reason to live any more.

    The Dorne angle was interesting. I actually thought the Dornish rebellion - led by a patient, brooding Doran was going to be a feature in the next book. I don't think the Sand Snakes are great actresses but hopefully they'll not be so horrifically wasted in Season 6. Certainly a promising start.

    Dany just needs to leave Slaver's bay and get her arse back to Westeros. I'm getting close to skipping those scenes now and probably would if there wasn't so much foreshadowing in the show!

    I like that take on Theon, he has snaked The Starks and could make one big sacrifice of his blood to save John and get forgiveness for the horrible things he done to their family.

    Thats of Mel doesnt revive him, however its GoT and things are never straight forward.

  5. Enjoyed that episode. Usually episode is a bit of a slow burner, but there was a lot of developments in that. Also, was there not an awfully big plot clue in the opening credits?

    I dont understand :(

  6. Dana White has said that the UFC have not spoken to McGregor or his management since the last week and doesn't know why Conor is tweeting that he is back on the show.

    More and more publicity.

  7. Yeah I have seen it advertised on SA a few times now and really like the look of it, it has the guy from Homeland who looks like he plays a good character in Billions.

    I will be giving it a go when its on SA

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