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Posts posted by mythstoliveby

  1. Im not sure it really matters. My assumption is that BDO are obliged to recover the as much money as the can and reduce the liabilities as much as they can, therefore, paying as much money to legitimate creditors as they can.

    Ok, I see the reason for the appeal by BDO is probably the obligation to "reduce the liabilities".

    - If the appeal by BDO succeeds then the non-HMRC creditors get more of the pot.

    - If the appeal by BDO fails then the non-HMRC creditors get less of the pot.

    Now, throwing in another factor; if Craig Whyte succeeds in getting *his* name onto the creditors list, then BDO winning the appeal against HMRC will mean that HE will get more of the pot than if they lose.

    And THIS must really be messing with the minds of the rangers mob, if Whyte succeeds then there are 2 possible outcomes:

    HMRC lose and Whyte wins.


    HMRC win and Whyte loses.

    I kind of hope that Craig Whyte does get himself on to the list of creditors - then we will see who the rangers lot hates more, Hmrc or Whtye??!!!!??!!!!

  2. Because they are obliged to do whats best for the creditors of the oldco. Winning this case would see a huge liability gone and increase the money left for the other creditors.

    That's the bit I don't follow. Are the HMRC not the main creditor of Old Rangers?

    And if that's the case then - presumming available money is distributed by percentages to creditors - wouldn't the appeal decision in favour of HMRC not just mean that the HMRC are now due a bigger percentage of the money available to creditors?

    Or is it the case that maybe the BDO are trying to preserve existing percentages and therefore give more money back to the OTHER creditors of Old Rangers??

  3. Y

    I am not sure blaming the old squrim for the complete decline- they were caught up in their own arms race, cheered on by various accolytes in the media. No one held a gun to the heads of the other clubs, but they swept along by it. What could you do though, as soon as you produced a good player who might have the audacity to score against the old squirm one week, the following week the phone calls were into the Daliy Old Firm to print some story that he was off to either side- or both and unsettle the lad. If he was ever signed it was puny sum and the lad would end up the Squirm Reserve squad.

    I can see this happening all over again once the two of them are back together again. Hope not. But learning lessons from the past is not high in Scottish ftiba is it.

    Yes, rangers started throwing money about first, celtic followed, and then they were all at it (e.g. Istvan Kozma to Dunfermline or 600k and Robbie Winters by Aberdeen for ONE MILLION!!)

    So, yes, we are all to blame in one way or another. But, as usual, this is yet another example of rangers being at the heart of something bad happening in scottish football....

    And, as you say, *if* the rangers survive long enough to try their luck in the top flight then watch them and celtic both spend fortunes on over-paid foreigners trying to out do one another....

  4. That sounds pretty extraordinary, until you consider that:

    1. Many clubs in England, and no doubt elsewhere, have spend much more than that to win fewer trophies.
    2. The current Rangers have spend much more than that to win fewer trophies.

    (Although the second point may not be comparing apples with apples, as it's total spend not just football wages, and the £72m might be the football wages alone. I guess.)

    Which sort of comes back to my favourite topic in this area: it's all about the finances. So much going on with A/EGMs, legal suits, share offer planning, statements from all side. But it's really all about the finances, and that's what will determine if there's an end game any time soon, as well as the nature of it.

    yep, it's all about the money - as usual.

    Instead of Scottish football trying to copy the English model of spend-your-way-to-success (thanks for that Mr.Souness!!!), we should have been following the Scandinavian approach of focussing on native players and training them for success.

    For decades good young rangers lads rotted in the reserves whilst the club's fans wet-dreamed over the likes of Gazza, Laudrup and Der Boer.

    And, more recently, decent young celtic lads haven't been getting a look in thanks to the likes of Hooper, Wanyama and Graveson!

    IMHO, celtic and rangers are responsible for the decline in Scotland's standing in World football.

  5. Is this a reasonable distillation of diddy thinking (no laughing, I know it's an oxymoron) on the subject? If it is then no-wonder you're in a total mess over it.

    Possibly the single most laughable comment of the entire debacle is you saying, "The SFA and SPFL are completely free to revisit that ruling and also to question the legality of the set up and remit of the investigation." Sadly, I suspect a fair few other diddies and most of the rhabid morons think you're on to something. Since it still hasn't penetrated your obdurate napper I'll restate the options:

    • Have a new commission that covers the same ground as LNS and hope it comes to different conclusions.
    • Make up rules and apply them retrospectively
    • STFU, grow up and move on.

    The SPFL are being cruel to the demented brigade here. Their silence is giving them hope and it really is time they tried to at least pretend to be professional and draw this farrago to a close.

    arrogant deluded hypocritical pseud.

    How you doing this evening? :)

  6. I don't think there's sufficient will to look at it again. Obviously, the authorities don't wish to, for all the reasons we're familiar with. There's also a different attitude among fans this time, meaning that other clubs needn't bother too much either. You only need to look at the thread about it on the Premier League forum on here, to see that most people can no longer be arsed with this. It really is left to we obsessives to fight the good fight. It's a similar thing with the media. The Daily Record has mounted a campaign, by pretending that this is about giving medals to players who lost cup finals. We've had the Telegraph inventing worried chairmen of other clubs who think they'd need to fork out bonuses. Even Sportsound which has given the issue attention, has had good guys like Tom English and Richard Gordon referring to their boredom with it, while an ignorant fool like Roger Mitchell is given a platform and no challenge. This will blow over and Rangers will keep their titles. The game we love will have been ill served.

    Yes, only in Scotland! (well maybe in Russia too - although I'm not sure that even they would stoop to such corrupt levels....)

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