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Posts posted by ka1

  1. On the first point I think most teams would rather have points on the board but Shortlees are a quality team so every chance they will come smashing through the park.
    I still think New Farm are uncatchable although its mathematically possible I just don't see anyone putting on a run to challenge them.
    Beith seem to be improving as do Whitletts so interesting Onthank have had a lot of upheaval you just want to see them stabilising tbh.
    It would be great if Meadow pulled it off but unfortunately I just don't see it and I think there could be 2 or 3 in it, same team took 5 off Stewarton but credit too them for getting this far,
    convincing wins for whitletts and beith. good luck to medda
  2. Yes mate even if Balfour scored a double and whitletts won 4-3 then I would have the same opinion. Onthank were on there knees last season and were getting beat out the park, even suffering heavy defeats to minishant of recent but also drew with new farm, hammered darvel and beat a decent whitletts team in the last month, they may now be top top teams but it's huge progression. Anyway let's talk about other teams now. Who else is proving people wrong in Ayrshire
    dailly seem to be doing well dont know anything about them. tarbolton struggling by the looks of it
  3. The boy Balfour does look a good player but he didn’t even get a sniff the time he was on the pitch. Take nothing away Whittlets are a really good team who try to play football but far too many people are writing Onthank off as being a poor side etc and surprised by results of recent weeks. There were 20+new players joined in summer I’m hearing so that takes time
    i was at the game if its the same boy i think he had 2 chances the other boy for whitletts up top was good aswell as was the wee guy up top for onthank. 2 decent sides will be 1 of them that wins that league
  4. Chizzy looks as if he’s starting to learn his best formation and team now and has added a few good players in recent weeks so folk can talk them down all they want they will go about their business quietly and hopefully string a run together. Was a good game today with both teams battling hard. Long way to go in season with plenty slip ups could be tight.
    what if the boy balfour that hacker says is good had stayed on the park and scored the goals that won the game would he still be doing a good job
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