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Everything posted by iPhone

  1. No need for this type of behaviour and the quicker people realise there is no place for this in football, the better.
  2. Main priority it’s to stay in the league. As should yours be!
  3. We haven’t played a shitter team than yous this season. I feel totally embarrassed that we threw it away against such shit.
  4. Ffs Rocky, that you backing out of this already? I was hoping to get a bet on this.
  5. The Darvel 2 need to get a grasp of how it really is in the Championship rather than persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring they think it is. Staying up is an achievement for Darvel this season. They have to hope that there is 3 teams in the league worse than them. I think there might be 4 or 5 worse but no more. That keeps them in the league and free to spend, or should I say waste, more money next season.
  6. As long as people know what he means, that’s what is important. I hate people going on about spelling or punctuation and stuff like that.
  7. You put me straight, dream on fud. You got defensive because your club is going down.
  8. Where you struggle to write a post without having a go at Spank. You and Thereporter make a great team.
  9. Yous will finish round about where you are in the league just now. Cant wait to see it. Cammy is at that age when he will struggle to finish the 1st half without needing to go for a pish.
  10. Winning almost every week, ya dobber! And still above you in the league.
  11. Whitletts have been feeling like that for almost a year now.
  12. Totally agree. I think?? You’re the only person that requires me to google after reading their quotes just for it to make sense.
  13. They will end up with f**k all. I can’t wait, haha.
  14. The Galacticos had a lot of new players needing to gel. It happens when you spend so much on all those new players. I’m sure your sugar daddy will understand when yous are still in this league next season.
  15. I’ve been trying to bite my tongue on here. I sometimes get carried away.
  16. This only makes for more matches to play as Darvel ain’t going to win the cup. It will suit all you Darvel fans as it will give you another excuse for your poor league position. Are you sure the Pie man can’t just buy the cup? He must not be able to as I’m sure he will have tried that.
  17. I thought mutton was the product used. Like beef, pork etc?
  18. But most likely it will be the Galacticos that get knocked out.
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