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Everything posted by Div.

  1. Number 36 Mrs M Surprising that one of the most prominent female posters, along with Honest Saints Fan and DonnieDarko should feature so high on the list, but by going from some of the comments received, I can understand why. Nothing personal Lyn-Marie, we'll always have the disabled toilet fumble at the 5's. LM has rejected my advance despite several PMs informing her I am single, rumour has it she likes bad boys. So i'm going to vote for her - Zen Archer I'm genuinely scared of her - Adam Mrs M has made many friends over the years with her antics like And many enemies Does LM deserve her place on this thread? Who cares anymore? I'm off to get my dome returfed at the Leigh Griffiths Hair transplant clinic. Before I go, heres my top 5. Enjoy the thread guys. 1) Keithgy 2) 8Mile 3) Perthshire Bell 4) Grimbo 5) Ad Lib
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