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Posts posted by ayrshire_nomad

  1. Far too sensible, get off the internet!

    As far as Scottish refereeing performances go I actually though Clancy was ok yesterday tbh. He let the game flow quite well and there was a number of handbag incidents which normally refs would dole out yellows for but he just gave them a talking to.
    The throw in decision was dreadful but we can’t blame that for the goal. Halberg had the ball near the Killie box, lost it and then gave a needless foul away and they scored from the resulting free kick. 
  2. My other half works in a care home and today all staff were told "do not talk to any reporters"
    This came as a shock as no one seems to know why repo6would be trying to speak to them.

    I said f**k it, if anyone asks you anything throw the management under the bus

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