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Posts posted by ayrshire_nomad

  1. On what basis?  Is he tactically astute like Clarke is?
    I think we have to undertake a proper selection and interview process to get the best person available, not rely on sentiment, as we could end up with another Gary Locke scenario.  
    I am clinging to the hope he's stringing the SFA along and is going to tell them to 'xxxx off" on Monday morning.   Sadly I don't believe this will be the case and he will be gone by Tuesday. 
    Hopefully he finishes with a win against the Orcs tomorrow and reels in Gerrard again. 
    On the basis of continuity of success. Until he failed I think he would be the sensible appointment. Also, a new manager is going to struggle as the players have been coached to a level above their ability.
    Dyer has the respect needed to influence the players.

    In my opinion.
  2. Write down what you're feeling and why, or why you think.
    You say you can't carry on the way you're going; that's your starting point. What is the way you're going? How does it make you feel? What do you want to change?
  3. This doesn’t count as in England(yep worst pbs in England for this pish.., but thought I’d mention anyway).


    After about a few weeks of moving down here(Leicester) one Saturday afternoon me the g/f had a massive argument about something stupid as usual.


    I stormed out the hoose and with nowhere really to go, I decided a pint was in order at the nearest boozer.  Despite living here for a few weeks and visiting numerous times before I moved,  I hadn’t been to the nearest boozer to the house as the g/f had never been keen.   It hadn't bothered me as despite being closest, it was in the opposite direction to town, so never really had the notion of popping in.  So now I had an ideal opportunity to check out my new local.


    Saturday 2pm and the place was mental. As I walked to the entrance two women were having a full on scrap.  Well I say ‘scrap’ both grabbing onto each other and trying to push each other over.

    At that point I should have turned and left but was already in a mood and you had a big walk up through to car park to get to the entrance so would have looked like a shitebag if I’d turned round. (Please note when I first moved to England I had this inbuilt thing where I thought being Scottish I could handle anything here.  For example, I once walked through a so called ‘rough’ part of the Leicester unaware that it was a bad part of town. When I told my missus what route I’d taken she was genuinely worried/shocked. Obviously I replied “ach it was nothing, you’ve never been to Possil”(in my best Begbie/Scheme voice) – not sure if any other P&B’rs who have spent time down here have experienced this weird reaction to living outside Scotland..as if to say “everything is much shitter in Scotland” was some sort of thing to be proud of).


    Anyway, back to the pub.. Inside wasn’t much better. Some dodgy dance music was blaring from the P.A.  

    I went for a p*ss and there was a queue in the Gents for the only mens cubicle with a bunch of young cokeheads waiting in line for their go.  Rows of urinals free, but massive cue at the cubicle.  As I’m having a slash one of them tells me he’d just got out of Strangeways so is celebrating.


    Then when I ordered at the bar, the guy next to me asked the barman for two eccies, which were duly produced and money exchanged in full view.   It was pretty much the closest I’ve come to the pub out of Shameless. 

    The rest of the clientele were either wide boys or complete freaks.  The women were a mix of complete and utter tramps or those council estate birds that you wid but then regret it immediately when you had to visit the doctor or you find out that their boyfriend Dean is after you.


    Luckily the pub was quite big so I could get away from the mayhem and hide away at the back and watch the scores coming in but then the afternoon karaoke started and some p*shed woman was up wailing along to Alanis Morrisette – pint was finished sharpish and I was out of there. Much rather face the wrath of the missus!

    Place closed down about a month later. Now bulldozed and in its place a Lidl.


    Maybe not the worst pub but definitely one of the worst pub experiences I’ve had.

    Your breaking point was Alanis Morissette
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