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Posts posted by albundy

  1. 4 hours ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

    The sooner we can get to May and bin off half our squad the better.


    Only half?  (Ignoring loanees)


    All the keepers we've had this season = Bin

    Ballantyne, no brainer, keep

    Craig Barr Injury prone and would probably require a wedge to keep. Unsure

    Brain McLean, not sure he's fully up to speed yet and therefore haven't seen the best of him, Unsure

    Willie Dyer,  Bin.

    Ross Perry, too injury prone. Bin

    Ryan Thomson, The fact he can't force his way into the team. Bin

    Kyle Hutton. A bit contentious, has good days but not enough of them. Bin

    Ross Forbes. Keep for his left peg alone

    Stuart Carswell, Miss him badly when he's not playing. Keep

    Bobby Barr, Does it fits and spurts. Unsure.

    Michael Paton, see Dyer, willie

    Iain Russell, as much as I like Beanie, he's done. Bin

    Boris Melingui, Brings bags of energy and a decent leap. Unsure

    Calum Gallacher, will always put in a shift and chip in with some goals. Keep


    Who have I forgotten, oh aye. Rory Loy.. If he hasn't kicked a ball in the next 4 weeks. Bin.




  2. The Benburb surface is very uneven.  My mate has played two cup finals at amateur level there and both times has ended up injured after it.  Even when I walked across it you can tell it has a different feel to it.
    If the surface is that bad and contributing to injuries, we would be better training in a public park.
  3. Ok. For those of you who think I'm a drunken old sot who spouts a pile of shite what follows is not for you.  If, however, you are prepared to let me give you some FACTS then read on although I am merely the messenger, not the piano player.
    The question of how much it would cost to "buy out" Brabco was asked (by someone I know) a few weeks past. At that stage he was quoted a minimum price - although the figure he had previously suggested to me he would be prepared to invest was UP TO three times that amount (don't tell Brabco).
    An approach by him was made today with the intention of talking to the mysterious Brabco over the Easter weekend. He was told that he should "move quicker than that" as Brabco have "other fish that they want to fry".
    Now, read into that last quote what you will. To me it sounds like Brabco are willing to off-load the club  at a major loss and I cannot get that well-known car-park owner Neil Rankine out of my mind.
    Make of the above what you wish, but may my Doom Bar turn sour if anything I have written is false. 
    61 years of watching Dumbarton may have driven me mad, but I wouldn't take the p**s out of any Sons supporter on a subject as important as this.
    I think you might have just told brabco.

    Buying a football club is a money pit and very few are brave enough to invest, so if your aquantence has genuine interest in putting up the readies required, kudos to him.
  4. It's impossible to say really. I'm not convinced we've been that much better under Duffy than we were under Aitken, although he is working with someone elses team which was ravaged by injury. A lot of our fans (myself included) thought Aitken should've been doing better despite the injuries so it would be a tad hypocritical of us to afford Duffy more sympathy in that regard. Aitken has to take the responsibility for signing the team of crocks mind you.

    Here's something for us to think about... should Duffy take us down to League 2 do we want him to continue as manager? For me it's a no (there are a few things that have left me less than convinced so far) but I'm interested to hear what others think.
    Difficult one, Duffy's experienced, likeable and has dealt a shitty hand but the stigma of taking a team down is usually followed by a parting of ways.

  5. DFC - Two players have left. We realise this leaves the squad very thin but please be assured everyone is working hard to bring in the players we need to try and turn this season around.
    The Moonster - 
    Is there a culture now where some fans expect the club to overspend the budget to bring in yet another defensive midfielder and an overpaid striker who we won't use effectively any way, both of whom will contribute little value.

    Yet another toxic legacy.
  6. That would be sad about Dowie. Possibly the right time though. He was superb last season, but this season has maybe looked one too far for him. I have no idea if he’d be one of the higher earners, but it should free up a wage for a replacement. Saying that, if we can’t get one in time for next week, we’re in even deeper trouble.
    We don't have a game next week, fortunately.
  7. Announce Gasparotto.
    All the best to Andy. Last season he was one of very few players who could say they played well consistently. This year things have maybe caught up with him a bit and, combined with not having Mango alongside him, he's struggled.
    He'll probably be the only man to captain DFC in a cup final in my lifetime though, and that's something that he should be immensely proud of.
    Him leaving by mutual consent is good news for our budget too. It would be great if a few others would follow that example.
    Hutton to be our new club captain?
    Craig Barr for me, not sure who vice captain would be though.

  8. Maybe I am being , ahem, optimistic, but I imagine funds will be available for jim, and I doubt we’re anymore skint than the others in the league, and they’re signing people
    Not so sure, I suspect the consecutive budget busting actives of a certain Mr Aitken have left the club without much if any reserve and whatever we probably left was blown getting rid of him, anyone leaving just now is probably helping balancing the books.

    Jim may yet be able to wheel and deal his way out of this, for example, if we can agree terminations with the likes of Dyer and Spencer and work contacts/get more development loans we could get some youth and energy to blend with the existing experience.

  9. Stevie is bumping his gums on Off the Ball at the moment. 
    I only heard him for a minute or so before I got home, but he's already mentioned that he wasn't happy with the decision, didn't like being told over the phone (where he namechecked John Steele by the way), and thinks it wasn't fair to be sacked "after a wee blip". Also mentioned having 'eight' players out injured for his final game (did not mention that he signed them) and the fact "we stayed up and made it to cup finals".
    He's having smoke blown up his backside about the great job he did, in a league where we "had no right to compete" and where he was regularly tipped for "plenty of big jobs"... 
    Listening to him talking like that makes me delighted we got shot. There's saving face and there's coming across as deluded, at the moment he's trying to totally re-write history.

    The fact he is trying to spin this in his favour speaks volumes about him.
  10. Aitken is a guest on Off the Ball. Two minutes into his contribution and he's moaning about being sacked over the phone and not face to face, how unfair it all was and how in his last game he had eight injuries. 

    Confirms he spoke to Stirling Albion. 

    There's more than one side to every story and I don't think he's doing himself any favours by continually berating the club on public forums.


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