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Everything posted by froggie

  1. I'm not sure, as neutral, I'd say they were abysmal, but a very frustrating day for all associated with them, I'm sure. I'll just say that some of the visitors' 'time management' skills might have been better policed by the officials and leave it there. At least you didn't get drenched, which looked a nailed on certainty earlier in the day.
  2. If the team you sponsor don't patronise your establishment, it can seem a bit ungrateful...but if it's the opposition it seems an odd thing to get grumpy about to me. bit
  3. Can't wait for the farts in suits to have a meeting to decide what to call the competition, so as not to offend the sensitive.
  4. To be fair, CA competed well in the game against Arbroath Vics last week, but having seen them lose away at Forfar Albion the week before, these might be the only two sides they have even a slight chance of taking points off.
  5. And yet still finds the time to fail miserably to antagonise, dismiss a region that has done more for football than he could achieve, even in his most delusional state. The problem with trying to be a bully on the internet is that it just comes across as...well...laughable. Still, as long as he's happy.
  6. Hmmm 'utter filth' eh? Still, you're entitled to your opinion, however random. You seem ecstatic at the premature death notices for a brand of football, almost as if you've got shares in the turkeys vote for Christmas circus. Those 'stuck in the past mobs' as you put it, are as entitled to their opinion every bit as self appointed ringmasters and the fact that opinion doesn't mirror yours does not make it right any more than it makes it wrong. 'Nobody cares about the north'- no doubt a comment based on endless , in depth research, rather than a superiority complex generalisation? No doubt those who don't follow the turkey trot will always be ridiculed by those who think their brave new world is paved with gold, although something tells me being called 'stuck in the past mobs in Ayrshire' on a warm and cosy internet forum won't worry the real people with real lives from that neck of the woods too much. If you tell yourself it often enough, you'll believe the juniors is dead. Why it matters to you, I haven't a clue and why clubs who don't want to join the circus get under your skin so much is a mystery too.
  7. foul mouthed and disruptive opinion and tiresomely ' I'm a victim, me' one at that.
  8. In the present company, feeling superior is inevitable. Why don't you turn your legendary incisive wit and knowledge to the topic under discussion instead?
  9. And along comes a 'butt' and the bottom feeders are in residence once again. By name and by nature, it seems.
  10. I appreciate you replying, I really do but half of what you've said makes no sense (like people at other clubs knowing about the history of the Juniors - does a Linlithgow fan no longer understand this? Does a Burntisland fan being knowledgeable about a different league and sharing this with you not add to your own knowledge?), some of it sounds like typical anti EoS "propaganda" for want of a better word (Groundhop Day - one matchday per season - has different kick off times but at least fixtures are published well in advance and can be played at standard times summer AND winter due to floodlights) and some of it does send out the dinosaur vibes you were saying isn't a fair representation of the average Junior football fans views (disabled facilities, decent toilets and floodlights deemed non-essential despite opening the game up to many more supporters). At the end of the day, if those views are representative of large numbers of supporters (and I appreciate you said they were your own), then the Junior game is going to end up as a minor footnote in Scottish football. People will look at teams who have invested a little in facilities and who can say who their opponents are in the months to come and wonder if standing on a grass bank and pissing behind an old groundman's hut for a 2 p.m. kick off because floodlights aren't allowed really is the best way to watch a game. Anyway, thanks for replying all the same. Whilst I do not agree with all aspects of your response, your effort to clarify your standpoint and managing to do so without recourse to insult or bulging eyed pointless anger is refreshing and welcome. If clubs want to sell their souls for an anorak festival, that's up to them, although I will always maintain time spent engaging with the community, who might come back more than once and not be rushing for their next 'fix' would be time better spent. I've yet to find the money tree under which the cash sits to pay for all of these improvements you speak of, but I'm sure, whatever your view on the desirability/ essential nature of facilities, none will be installed for free. The chasm between the best equipped and most basic venues is vast, but few turn up not knowing what to expect and if the issue is close to your heart, an internet search or even a question to the less confrontational hereabouts would be enough to determine what's in store. Personally both the spartan and better equipped are fine by me and clubs struggling to survive because of 'necessary' improvement notices from a smoke filled room benefits nobody. I cannot comment on the issues of lights in detail, although issues such as proximity to railway lines, residents' objections and other even less obvious pitfalls have prevented this in places I do know about, albeit not in Scotland. Personally, I think floodlights are a waste of time for the vast majority, as long as the leagues are of a sensible size and the calendar not filled with pointless cup competitions, especially when the weather and light makes making headway with league schedules easier. What we enjoy and how we enjoy doing it may differ, but it would be a dull world if we all thought the same and could only resort to childish name calling and humourless insults when in disagreement. It's highly unlikely that reasoned disagreement will ever catch big time on this forum, but stranger things have happened ( just don't ask me to name them.)
  11. Despite the angry bottom feeder comment that " it could be a while", I am happy to tell you what I enjoy. For the benefit of the stupid, notice I said 'I ' so the response is personal to me. I enjoy the fact that I am able to meet people who have watched a certain level of football for years and are knowledgeable about not only their team, but the history of the game at Junior level, I enjoy kick off times being pretty standardised ( with the odd exception) rather than fannying with them as a sop to a handful of obsessed anoraks who'd watch two dogs with a beach ball as long as they could scribble feverishly in a notebook and watch four other sets of dogs the same day. I enjoy the fact that Junior football lets people decide if a railed pitch and little else is adequate for them, as opposed to a fart in a suit dictating that lights, over-egged amounts of cover and plenty of other non- essentials are declared essential. I enjoy the fact that the Junior game takes me to places it is unlikely I would visit otherwise. That may not be exclusive to the Junior game, but the 'greed is good' brigade will shed no tears over the smallest teams going to the wall, such is the desperation of the 'bigger' devotees of the brave new world. I enjoy the fact that Junior football, so dismissed by so many is such an annoyance to those who have bought the hype and are so incensed that not everyone has bought into the vision so skilfully sold to them. These any many other things are just a part of my enjoyment, aside from amusement at the abject failure of the dimwit fringe to grasp that I don't give a flying one what THEY like, I wouldn't dream of trying to persuade them otherwise. Clearly this respect is beyond some, but as is shown, quite a lot is beyond a few who have signed up to the brave new world and would rather suffer years of decline than ever admit they are wrong. You pays your money, you makes your choice...they really are...sorry, it really is THAT simple. Feel free to disagree...that's the difference between opinion and fact...with the former you cannot be right or wrong.
  12. You probably fail to get a proper response due to the air of superiority, casting those who enjoy Junior football as 'dinosaurs', or whatever term the trendy new brooms choose.
  13. I'm well acquainted with Iceland, some of us can make it further than the wastelands. I wouldn't expect you to understand a term as complex as voyeur, so no point explaining that it's rarely a neutral term. You probably think it's a space shuttle. For clarity, I enjoy watching junior football, think the lemming circus will fall flat on its arse and would never dream of saying anyone should do what I do...that would be arrogant. There is a difference between taking the bait from a deranged wasteland dweller and trying to get the simplest notion into his soft head. This is the latter. Junior football, with its character and indeed characters is what I enjoy. If you enjoy the circus, enjoy it with all of the other turkeys, but comment about THAT, not a strand of football you're not involved in and was probably heartily glad to be rid of the godforsaken hole, it's soulless carpet and 'defend everything the club does' sycophants. They're not soggy fish fingers by the way, it's the evolution of the next generation of locals.
  14. Name calling, misplaced self appointed expert and so determined to say a cobblers of a plan is a success. I already have moved elsewhere. Further north and, as luck would have it, further away from the fortified co-op land you love and watching Junior football that might even outlive your Neanderthal bitterness.
  15. Yes...and if means going north of the Tay to spend my money watching what floats my boat, I will. Others are free to think and do otherwise.
  16. Guess that depends on if football is just a part of escapism from the dull drudgery that pays the bills, or something you feel the need to immerse yourself in to a depth that means you can't remember it's supposed to be fun. A page on here about football for every ten about bureaucracy, in fighting. tedious fart in a suit meetings and everyone claiming to be far more important and in the know than they really are. Makes just turning up and watching a game the joy it is. Not everything in life is logical and many that are can be utterly dysfunctional
  17. Predictably angry and pointless response including inaccuracies from the hell hole fanatic. Some things change, some stay the same. It isn't the nation's fault that even the simple is beyond you.
  18. I think the issue with all of the turkeys who voted for Christmas is that some of us prefer the Junior game to the machine that is ( ho ho) 'senior ' football. Some of us don't worry about the self proclaimed superiority of others, their insistence on commenting on something that is no business of theirs or any of the other criteria that the new 'elite' bestow upon themselves. If it isn't a threat, why comment? If it's not your brand of football, why comment? If it's not your level of football, then why not vent your spleen somewhere devoted to what is? Just saying. If I prefer something, it isn't right or wrong, it's up to me, just as was for the turkeys and the turkeys in waiting.
  19. For a Sunday laugh. I sometimes drift by a website crawling with ultimate anoraks, eager to lend a thousand words to something little more than a park kickabout. Todays gem comes from a contributor describing themselves as coming from The Kingdom of Fife and supporting ' All Fife Teams'. Claiming to support a team and all of its rivals might suggest this oddity is not the full shilling, but this gem was one I thought worth sharing. Commenting on Aberdeen University v Maybole, far more meaningful than the nonsense they get excited over " Maybole were typical of Ayrshire teams- bad losers, mouthy, and generally ignorant " Beware- the genteel darlings of Fife are humourlessly, ignorantly and mouthily unimpressed. I'm sure Ayrshire is heartbroken.
  20. Downfield go two down, scrap one back, all to play for. Straight red for the hosts shortly after, 6-1 to the visitors with the baying hounds less than happy. Weird indeed!
  21. For the most part, journalists are simply wind up merchants, who, to their good fortune, actually get paid to be controversial, purely for the sake of it A couple of years at college doesn't make you an expert on a topic, it just gives a wider audience than most for your opinion. The business is in selling the product and if it's trendy, the rag scribes will champion it, if not, they won't. If you wish to disagree and believe journalists are professionals dedicated to informing and probing on behalf of others, you are, of course, perfectly entitled to do so.
  22. They knocked the ball about with genuine quality yesterday for the majority of the game. Fearful hammerings aren't always a good watch, but this was.
  23. What happened was the hosts chased shadows on a gloriously sunny afternoon. Eleven against eleven, but that was the only aspect in which Kirrie were the equal of their visitors. To be fair, Kirrie did keep going when others might have gone for damage limitation. Some decent goals as you might expect with 8 to chose from, but acres of space to head/ slide the ball in describes the majority, as I saw it.
  24. Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase 'executive box' really, doesn't it?
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