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Posts posted by pj_puttz

  1. 3 hours ago, Dons_1988 said:

    Went to get my morning coffee at work (subsidised Costa), as with all Costa' you pay and then there's a counter where you collect your drink.

    Most civilised people stand a couple of yards away from the pick up counter to allow people to access  their drink if they are called first.  Today three guys decided they'd stand and wait for their drinks right at the collection counter and have a hilarious chat, with everyone having to push past them everytime their drink was called.  Even with about 3 people asking them to move so they could get their drink they wouldn't take the hint.

    This complete lack of awareness of what is around you or where you are standing has me seething on an almost daily basis.  Here are some other examples I'm sure everyone has experienced:

    Folk stopping in doorways to check their phone/handbag etc.  C*nts.

    Folk stopping at the top or bottom of stairs to check phone/handbag etc.  C*nts.

    Folk standing in the middle of a busy pavement rather than stand off to the side.  C*nts.

    Folk standing at the bar in a busy pub and refusing to make way for other folk trying to get served.  C*nts.

    Folk walking 3 or 4 abreast (insert gif here) effectively blocking the entire pavement.  C*nts.

    Folk standing right at the bus/train door when folk are trying to get off.  C*nts.



  2. I have put off starting to play this until they add Ibrox and Celtic Park (I know, I know) and it's starting to piss me off how long they're taking to add them into the game.  They sold limited edition copies of the game with Rangers and Celtic branding when it was released in AUGUST yet they still don't have proper faces for the players or the stadiums in the game almost 4 months later?  Piss poor from Konami.

    I don't play online much and spend most of my time in Master League or BAL.  I'll no doubt start both careers in Scotland so it would be nice to have the stadiums Konami promised us months ago.

    I've heard there will be another data pack released early next year, hopefully they will be included in that. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Tommy Nooka said:

    Did you find a note? I've found 2 of these grisly scenes, both had notes to find!

    No I couldn't see a note, I'll need to go back and have a good look around.

    If I can find it again, which I probably wont be able to.

  4. Realised last night that you don't have to hold the R2 button in when you have a fish hooked.  I was holding L2 and R2 while trying to reel it in!  Makes it a lot easier when you realise you only have to press R2 to hook the fish then you can let the button go.  (Picard facepalm)

    Found a severed torso hanging in a valley with a message written on a wall, "Look upon my works" or something like that.  There were body parts all over the ground too.  Nothing for me to track or anything, I suppose I have to find all of the hidden murder sites and then it will trigger an event.

  5. On ‎10‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 10:33, Steve_Wilkos said:

    Take Care (feat Rihanna)

    Couple of tunes for you there lad

    Nah.  Cheers anyway though.  ;)

    As for turning into our Dads, it's worse than just slagging off modern music.  I've turned into a weird hybrid of my mum AND dad in a lot of ways.  I hear their words coming out of my mouth when I'm talking to my kids.  The exact same things they used to say to me.

    Parenting is basically programming kids.

  6. 26 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:
    32 minutes ago, pj_puttz said:
    This is a game to be savoured alright, anyone rushing through the story missions to progress the game quickly just isn't playing it properly IMO.
    I'll be gutted when the game is finished so I'm taking my sweet time with it.  Currently just started Chapter 3 but planning on going fishing and hunting for a while without doing a single mission.  Other than the random stuff that pops up or maybe a bit of homestead robbing here and there.
    What a game.

    If you're going fishing I'd recommend heading to the top of Flat Iron Lake and speaking with Jeremy Gill. He'll give you 13 locations of legendary fish. Took me over 5 minutes to reel in the one at the swamp so they make you work for it!

    Cheers bud!  I had heard about the guy who gives you those locations but had no idea where he was.  I didn't want to just Google it but finding out from a fellow player on a forum feels less like cheating somehow.  :D

  7. This is a game to be savoured alright, anyone rushing through the story missions to progress the game quickly just isn't playing it properly IMO.

    I'll be gutted when the game is finished so I'm taking my sweet time with it.  Currently just started Chapter 3 but planning on going fishing and hunting for a while without doing a single mission.  Other than the random stuff that pops up or maybe a bit of homestead robbing here and there.

    What a game.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Bert Raccoon said:

    You should have threw her tea in her face. Lessons need to be learned.

    Essentially her thought process was this:

    "I am going to make a premeditated decision which I know will result in a negative response so that I can subsequently complain about the response, even though I was the one who deliberately manufactured it."

    The fact she unashamedly admitted this was her thought process was serious goading IMO.

  9. Mrs asks me if I want a cup of tea, I politely decline.

    Mrs comes through with her cup of tea and nice packet of biscuits, proceeds to eat a biscuit and exclaims how delicious they are.

    I casually mention it would have been handy to know we had a nice packet of biscuits at the time I was offered tea as it might have swayed my decision, but no matter.

    Mrs, making it clear she is annoyed, says "I KNEW this would happen!  I knew I'd bring these biscuits through and you would moan coz I hadn't told you we had them!"

    If you KNEW it would happen why didn't you tell me about the fucking biscuits in the first place?

  10. 4 hours ago, JTS98 said:

    Koreans regularly stand and knock the door repeatedly upon finding a toilet door is locked. This is a very strange country.

    And while having a keech is indeed sacred man's time, Korean men tend to choose to do this on train journeys and take up to 45 minutes to do so. This means that the toilets are often simply inaccessible as someone is in there for almost an hour (presumably) having a jobby. Incredibly selfish behaviour. They often pull the same behaviour in pubs with one or two toilets. Someone settles in for ages leaving everyone else with no toilet.

    Standard behaviour in unquestionably the most selfish culture on the planet.

    Korea needs a war. A long and bloody war.

    It's behaviour of this sort that all but guarantees the complete annihilation of the human race at some point.

    If we can't figure out how to respect each other's privacy and comfort while we're performing the simple act of crimping off a length then how can we be trusted with nuclear weapons?

    It's the bog door handle rattlers of this world that will end us all.  Mark my words.

  11. Folk rattling the door handle when I'm on the throne trying to have a nice relaxing jobby at work.  Why?  Just why?

    Admittedly the door doesn't have a vacant/occupied sign on the lock but it's pretty obvious that when the line on the lock is vertical it's open and when it's horizontal it's locked.  One quick look tells you whether someone is in there or not so there's no need to rattle the handle like a demented chimp trying to solve a rubix cube.

    One guy the other day tried the door and, upon finding it was locked, chapped and said "hello?"  What the f*ck is that all about?  How am I meant to even respond to that?

    This is happening 2 or 3 times every single time I'm dropping the kids off at the pool and I cannot understand this sort of behaviour.

    A man's time on the throne pinching off a bum cigar is sacred and should be treated as such. 

  12. 2 hours ago, Fide said:

    The game does have direction, purpose and progression.  I've experienced it.  That won't be enough to hold all players, but there is a clear progression.

    That's reassuring to know!  I obviously just haven't found it yet.

    I realise I'm still at the very early stages of this game but the sheer scale of it threatens to overwhelm me at times.  Knowing that I can't possibly see everything the game has to offer is both exciting and annoying at the same time.

    The size of the tasks ahead, such as discovering words in a language so I can understand what the aliens are saying, seem as though I could play every day for the rest of my life and still not scratch the surface.

    Hopefully after another session of play the bigger picture will start to come into focus a wee bit. 

  13. Despite my negative comments I am still looking forward to having another go on it tonight.

    I think my gaming OCD does me no favours with games like this, I usually like to explore every nook and cranny coz I don't want to miss anything but that is simply not possible in NMS.  Having a quick look around a planet then leaving to find another goes against every gaming instinct I have yet roaming around every planet I visit to see all it has to offer would be ridiculous.

    This is why I think the game, for me, may be too big.  I've put hundreds of hours into hundreds of games but they all had direction, purpose and a feeling of progression.  I don't think NMS offers any of those things at the moment.

    Still, I'll be back onto it tonight hoping to find something that will keep me coming back for more.

  14. Played this pretty much all day yesterday and a bit underwhelmed to be honest.  I can see this getting really dull, really quickly.  Could it be TOO big?

    Saying that, I've only explored and catalogued the planet I started out on then went into space and landed on a nearby planet following a distress signal.  My worries began when I realised the second planet was almost identical to the first right down to the plant and animals.  They were a different colours but that was about it really.

    Naming things got boring VERY quickly and I just cant be bothered now.  Who is ever going to see them anyway?  Same goes for finding all of the wildlife and plants, I've done it once and definitely will not be doing it again.

    The resource management feels like busy work for the sake of it but I understand why it's there.  It's not too much of an issue once you suss it out but it's a bit tiresome.

    The pop up in the graphics and almost constant rendering of textures is annoying but not a game breaker for me.  I imagine it could be for a lot of people though.

    I could go on and on but, long story short, I can see me playing this for a few more days then it'll be gathering dust on the shelf because my gut feeling is it's all about doing the same thing over and over and over again with very little pay off.

    Hope I'm wrong about that mind you!

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