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Posts posted by Saltire

  1. 2 hours ago, Burning Barns said:

    The fact that approximately one million SNP list votes, returns no nationalist representation at Holyrood, is disconcerting, to say the least.

    I can't speak for others, but I have some philosophical and strategic differences with the FM on independence.  Tony Benn disagreed with the decisions made by the leadership of his party for most of his political career.  Was he trashing Labour, by doing so?  

    Unfortunately, voting for the SNP on the list did not strengthen the FM's position.  No SNP list members getting in, illustrates this.  People have to learn how D'Hondt works.

    Sorry Burning Barns, the D'Hondt system works on the basis that it is intended to redress the imbalance of MSPs versus share of the vote in the constituencies. It isn't intended to allow an imbalance of representation by giving voters the chance to artificially inflate representation by introducing "colt teams" to politics.

    I'd rather all MSPs were proportionately allocated on a regional basis, more accurately reflecting the views of the whole electorate. Hopefully that will be the case with independence.

  2. 2 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

    This right here is why nobody voted Alba. Pushing the "vote SNP get unionists" narrative just alienates people. Alba supporters have consistently trashed the SNP and the Greens, not bothering much with the Tories and Labour. 

    Add to this, their offer to the public was just some electoral maths, fronted by a discredited leader and surrounded by people wielding their pet grievances. The energy of Alba supporters was spent attacking Nicola Sturgeon and agonising over Trans rights. Honestly, is it any wonder they did so poorly? 

    Let me finish with one thing. My parents went both votes SNP. Not because they are desperate for indyref 2, not because they sat and worked out the best mathematical way to get a Yes majority. But because they were impressed with Nicola Sturgeon during the pandemic. As a pair of older voters they thought she did well, and so voted for her. How would you ever hope to persuade folk like my parents to vote for a party that is pretty toxic? 

    Exactly the same with my mother.

  3. On 08/05/2021 at 12:33, tamthebam said:

    Is it bias or just stupidity but to pick one result: Aberdeenshire East

    "Voting showed a swing of 6.1% from SNP to the Conservatives"

    Then you click on the result which shows the difference between vote share from the last time

    SNP vote share down 1%. Tories up 13% but Lib Dems and Labour down 11%. So if anything there's been a big swing of Unionist votes from Labour and Lib Dems to the Tories rather than from SNP to Tories 

    There's no bias, in each constiuency they do a simple calculation which is the change in percentage share of the vote from this election to the last election. They then look at the relative difference between the parties and divide it by two. So for Aberdeenshire East. I aklway think it's a relatively meaningless measure unless both votes have moved significantly.

      % % %  
      2021 2016 Change  
    SNP 44.63 45.79 -1.16  
    Tory 40.02 28.99 11.03  
      Swing 0.5 x (11.03-(-1.16)) = 6.10%
      SNP to the Tories    


  4. 10 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

    On a more general point, and it’s what the wings and alba people go on about.

    Does the current SNP, and in particular Nicola Sturgeon, actually want a referendum and indeed independence?

    Possibly wishful thinking on my part, but I don’t think they do.

    So much easier to sit in Holyrood , receive swathes of money from Westminster under Barnett, blame everything that goes wrong on Boris and receive good pay and perks. Becoming an SNP politician is just like Labour of yesteryear. Pick the party which is most likely to get me a seat and you’re in. Do these people have the hunger, the appetite for the fight? I doubt it. We are in the age of the professional politician and the party is irrelevant. Why rock the boat?

    That just doesn't hold water. I was a member of the SNP before the devolution settlement, before the SNP was the leading party in all elections, and beyond. After 1997, If you simply wanted to run a devolved government you had the option to join a unionist left, right or centrist (sic) party with that intent and hold that position.

    You joined the SNP because you believed that the Scottish people are best placed to make our own decisions. Until devolution, being in the SNP was like being at the base of a very tall mountain and you knew it was a difficult climb ahead.

    There is not one iota of doubt that Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP want independence and that is why the timing of a referendum is so important and why the Alba Party approach is flawed. Competence and timing are key here and Nicola Sturgeon is in top of both.

    As for Wings Over Scotland, I did for a period read the articles which to be fair were always very well written and chimed with my thinking. At some point it all went wrong, and the anti-Sturgeon line lacked substance, evidence or credibility. I hope that those still engaged will gradually come away from it.

    I believe we can win an independence referendum and build a Scotland with room for voices from all reasonable political and social positions.



  5. 1 minute ago, GordonS said:

    Ah hang on hang on. The party shares are likely to stay broadly the same as the votes come in from the other 4 constituencies. But the SNP's divisor will rise, almost certainly to 10. You were right in the first place, just ignore me!

    Yes but I was dividing the toatl vote for 5 constituencies by 10!!! I'll keep going anyway.

  6. 4 minutes ago, eez-eh said:

    Again - you’re only dividing the SNP vote by 6 here but it’s highly likely they’ll win all 9 seats so you’ll need to divide by 10.

    Yes but the share of the vote is what matters and the SNP  total is creeping up with every constituency that is counted so at 45% the number still look good even when you divide by 10.

  7. 35 minutes ago, Adamski said:

    The list vote for Glasgow Southside.



    If that is replicated across Glasgow, Labour and the Greens will each pick up 3 list MSPs and the Tories 1 .



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