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Cowden loyal brethern

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Everything posted by Cowden loyal brethern

  1. Hey hello big Jordyn that's the defences quaking already !!!!!! How about getting Greg from Rangers on loan
  2. Sorry if they ignore the"riot act" then what???? ,I lost faith in bollan after the cup debacle sorry what happened to play for the jersey pride in performance ok if you get beat you at least give it your all
  3. Mullen is a legend always gives 110% by far our best player sorry if players don't " turn up" surly it's up to the manager to kick ass Mullen always " turns up"
  4. Bollan times up move on thank you but you've done all you can time for fresh ideas good basic team just crap tactics time for him to move on
  5. I see Mr D Findlay won the lottery bonus ball !!! Now that's karma!!!?
  6. Good team work today Harvey was awesome Jordan struggled but kept plugging away and got his goal he deserved. Always said Mullen is a legend work's hard 100% every game Taylor and Herd excellent . Stenny really dirty cloggers how they kept 11 on the park beyond me well done lads happy Xmas to all cheers
  7. Not into witch hunt just stamp out nasty digs . we all have a go at players at time normal ",banter" when players underperfom or screw up or digs at opposition players when they screw up etc iam the first to admit this But when it comes to nasty ill informed comments especially at players families ect that's to far
  8. Also I think we as loyal fans should bring any abuse about Cox's mental health to the attention of either stewards or club officials and if any of our supporters are guilty we should name and shame iam not talking about usual banter but more serious abuse aimed at Cox's mental health
  9. Drifter don't hold your breath this is the so called joy of following CFC one match it all goes pear shaped watch this space
  10. Disappointed !!!!!!! gross understatement heads should roll really worried for rest of season especially when loans return to their clubs another season of fighting for survival
  11. Utter disgrace every one of them should hang there heads in shame a complete shambles never mind top three finish we'll be playing Berwick next season a disgrace to the shirt clowns every one of them
  12. I hope yesterday poor performance serves as a wake up call and they adopt a better attitude and work rate that they are capable of. No banana skin on Saturday !!!!!!!!!
  13. Don't matter if it was a under 20s team we thump it's a win keeps the confidence up the feel good factor high ¡!!!!!! Mon the beath
  14. Aye another 3 points and a clean sheet¡!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. It just gets better and better!¡!!!!!!!!! Mon the beath
  16. Unfortunately the town only comes out when we're doing great on the pitch or we find ourselves playing for our league status!!! Not just cowdenbeath slot of local teams suffer the same problems. You will always get the gloryhunters that only turn up when we have success on the pitch unfortunate yes how do we sort it ?? Like cowdenbeath at trying get out into the local community get kids involved let the meet or play with first team!! All you can do to spread the word or why not ask locals what would bring them back apart from glory and success on the pitch there's no Magic wand got to keep plugging away like the board are doing Mon the beath
  17. On temparay loan Tayside juniors till January to give him game time
  18. Mullen always said he was one of our underated players good on the lad!!!!!!!! Renton seems to have got his game together lately well done the beath !!!!! Mon the signalmen!!!¡!!
  19. Just like to say Sheerin helped save as from the trap door gave everything most of all he scored when it mattered whish him well and say thanks for the memories !!!!!
  20. Cox is getting a bit of a liability !!! Some of the younger boys need a run out like Taylor on Saturday !!!! We could have a good season just need to keep the heid
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