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Everything posted by kefc

  1. You were passionate about your club and the grade they play in so no worries, clubs/supporters are now realising to build and improve their club then change needs to come or changes need to be made by themselves. If they wait on the SJFA who knows where clubs will be in 2-5 years, if they plan, research and have the bravery and foresight to take it into their own hands then it could really change their fortunes for the better. From your view (Camelon) then granted it’s not easy, it will take big effort from the community, committee sponsors to get everyone on board buying into a vision both financially and time. There isn’t a lot of difference if any in a lot of licensed LL EOS grounds and Junior clubs, if they can improve their ground, get their club into shape to meet requirements then why can’t Junior clubs get their licence who are arguably better supported. There is a carrot at the end of any hard work which has to be the common goal. Your correct though in that timing is key.
  2. Bang on. The EOS League could probably stretch to 18 teams this season before going to 2 divisions with maybe the teams at the lower end opting to go to the 2nd division to be more competitve, clubs that get in quick will reap massive benefits. A WOS League could be formed for next season with either the 12 or 16 top division West Region Juniors going in at Tier 6 or a collection of West region clubs that are interested in the pyramid and in getting rewarded for their hard work by achieving an SFA licence. Dalkeith have to be applauded for thinking ahead, they could find themselves in a higher division than Bonnyrigg, Linlithgow, Boness etc if those clubs waited until the 18 places were to be taken and a 2nd division formed. Dalkeith (if/when licenced) could entice players with Scottish Cup entry or if they are successful the Lowland League. It could take a wee while to get into the Lowland League for some big clubs if they hang about, the better players will want to play in the LL or EOS and WOS League 1 that could be as early as next season. With the diminishing player pool quality it could see attandances drop and set in a bit of apathy around some big clubs, all eyes will be on the Lowland League from the top non league players, next step would be the EOS, (Possible) WOS League 1 if they cant get into LL, after that clubs are getting whats left making it difficult. It could take years for clubs to recover. Alot of people/clubs in Junior circles thought we were crazy in making our decision only 7 months ago, we done extensive research due to us having to join the pyramid to get our licence and it all pointed to the actions we took to better our club, now almost all other clubs (East & West) are doing their research which is very encouraging to see for non league football in Scotland. I may be wrong but I would have thought their would be some leadership and direction from the SJFA on this for their members, this silence will only lead strengthen the Pyramid setup to even the hardened Junior supporter.
  3. No Snow on Saughton Enclosure and pitch looking fine for Saturdays big match.
  4. Prosper, Evolve, Inclusive, You Believe, Nostalgic.
  5. We didn’t announce it sooner as we were going for a title, we felt any announcement wouldn’t have been positive at that time so waited until it was won and we were rubber stamped as accepted. The current numbers of the EOS for next season is at 14 including Dalkeith subject to being admitted, IF Clydebank and another say 10 Clubs were to apply for next season mostly from the West then as Unknown Fan says it could be 2 divisions of 12 running parallel, 1 more East based and the 2nd West. This could be the best way of achieving a more West region Tier 6. Again as UF states It would also leave more spaces for East clubs to apply. Ambitious Clubs could move across, could get SFA licensed in time, play against teams from region, there’s also various avenues for Scottish Cup Entry even if the licence isn’t approved, u20 League, Fixture List, part of pyramid etc. 3 Leagues running at tier 6 including SOS League. EOS LEAGUE - Kelty Hearts, LTHV, Leith, Herriot Watt, Peebles, Tynecastle, Coldstream, Ormiston, Eyemouth, Burntisland, Tweedmouth, Dalkeith - 12 teams which has room to go to 16. WOS LEAGUE (made up from splitting EOS and incorporating new applicants) Stirling Uni EOS, Clydebank, Bonnyton Thistle, then anywhere between 9 and 13 new applicants from Central or West Of Scotland to make up 12-16 team league. If clubs were to apply for the end of March cut off then you would think this would be a likely scenario for next season obviously depending on applicants.
  6. There is always the slight trepidation of crowds and interest reducing as we moved from the norm and games against rival SJFA clubs which in turn could have hurt us. We were always confident though after heavy research that our move would help sustain the club and help the community unite and flourish. That is exactly what has happened, home crowds are up, away crowds are up, the hopes, the dreams, the glass ceiling removed has really caught everyone’s interest and with everyone in the village on board, kids adults, male, female it creates a really strong machine going forward. Record Season Ticket, Kit, Merchandise, Hospitality sales this season aswell as the Social Club being busier than ever, It’s really humbling too in the past month we have a new Community Club in house with a complete pathway to senior football from 4 years old, we also have a senior ladies team now which is a real positive in a growing market. Not bragging here but just explaining how being pro active and doing research can take a Club to the next level in terms of support from the community wether that’s through gates, sponsrship, using the facilities, using the social club. All key areas that helps grow a Football and Community Club.
  7. Change that to 1 of the main attractions in that area, no offence to Whitehill
  8. I heard a 3rd club are looking into applying although I’m not sure what stage they are at.
  9. Hearing from a couple of people that the EOS League might be open to an 18 Team League from next season depending on applicants. There could also be a possibility of 2 divisions being made up if applications exceed 18 teams with the possibility of the teams at the lower end of the current EOS League choosing to go drop out to the newly formed 2nd division so they can be at a more competitive level. With more promotion and relegation spots being discussed with the LL it’s fairly forward thinking by the people in charge. Dalkeith, Clydebank and a possible 3rd Club in East Lothian all applied or looking to apply for next season.
  10. This is where it gets interesting if clubs want to be Licenced and part of the pyramid, once these spaces are gone you would feel the chance for SJFA clubs being part of pyramid or Licenced within the next few years would be gone unless they have a 2nd EOS League or a LL East/West. The SJFA may well have a plan to help their more ambitious clubs with this,p. Clydebank are rumoured to be ready to apply subject to members vote, leaves 1 space. Big Junior teams once everyone is implemented in the pyramid could be at least 2 Leagues below the LL, it could be years before they reach the LL if that’s where they want to be. You could effectively have Dalkeith as the main attraction in the region if they can get to the LL with the guaranteed Scottish Cup (subject to licence) and extra finances over Junior clubs to upgrade facilities and compete for the better players.
  11. If you are on the inside of the SJFA then the words prosper and evolve are very encouraging and is exactly what they should be looking to do, fair play. Let’s hope the SJFA can be pro active and really drive some change for the better for all their clubs, a good solid proposal that quickly would let Junior clubs get licenced, part of the pyramid and a Junior Cup Sponsor would be an ideal starting point to get everyone behind their leadership.
  12. Iv stated numerous times why we moved, biggest reason could probably have been the inept running of the SJFA and the non improvement or ambition to improve a grade, something that went way against what our club were/are doing. Dont talk to me about finances or rewards, I talk the talk mate, I gave while my club was part of the SJFA, never took, having invested into the SJFA as a sponsor of a cup competition for no reward. I feel I’m actually fair game to give TJ and the SJFA a bit of stick on here seeing as our club where totally disrespected at an AGM by him and his lapdogs.
  13. Handout Money? Money that’s a reward for good practice and meeting requirements for your club members and customers (supporters), Money that’s re-invested into the club to improve on and off the pitch, Money that’s given as a reward for on the field success. Whats wrong with that? See when you invest so much time and money into a club over the years it’s sometimes nice to be rewarded for that work and investment, the SJFA treat their clubs with contempt and it’s now being recognised by most.
  14. Just to confirm the meeting is tomorrow.
  15. “If these clubs are as ambitious as some on here would lead you to believe then why are they not leaving for the greener grass just now? I`ve no problem with ambition if that`s what you want to call it and clubs (office bearers, custodians etc ) can choose as they see fit but why the clamour to dismantle the junior grade (imperfect as it is and there`s already a thread running to cover it and how it could be improved) in the process. There`s a pathway there so why don`t they take it? If they are that confident then make the step/jump like Kelty already have. “ You’d have to ask the people in charge of their clubs that 1. Timing, seeing how Kelty do, seeing if the SJFA can lead from the front and bring change, fear of being the loud kids in the class, fear of the unknown, who knows. Dismantling the Junior grade? The only people that will ever be held responsible for that are the guys in charge of the SJFA, I’m afraid, no one else. The no sponsor for years for the Best Cup competition in Scotland outwith The Will Scot Cup is a massive sign to where they are at, Surely that’s 1 of the remits for the guys in charge so the grade is promoted to the best of their ability? The SJFA should have served their clubs correctly and been at the fore front for any SFA Licencing and being part of a pyramid, clubs are now wisening up and now slowly questioning why they aren’t part of it and are on the outside looking in. Can you tell me why the SJFA didn’t lead on the pyramid and make a real push to be part of it? The results of the feedback forms that clubs filled in a few years ago as regards to the pyramid and improvements to the Junior grade were never published as far as I’m aware, they would be interesting to see. I get being in charge of a grade or serving as an office bearer is mostly a thankless task and I have a level of sympathy for TJ and the guys leading the SJFA at times but the constant backward thinking that comes out is not half making things even more difficult for them. Their remit is surely to do the best for their associated clubs, if doing their best was to ignore the pyramid and SJFA clubs being refused an SFA licence then that will be the downfall.
  16. Surely the office bearers and committee running their club would know 1st hand where they can compete on and off the pitch. The ambitious who can back it up should flourish while clubs who are maybe struggling will find a level more suited. Or It could be decided on merit through performance on the pitch.
  17. Creepy assclown who doesn’t hide under an alias to most on here which probably includes yourself. I’m sure we will stumble at times like most other clubs and i give most if not all of my time to my club, thanks for being concerned. My opinion probably means f*ck all to you tbh but the guys in charge of the SJFA taking a salary should lead from the front imo, end of. Relying on clubs and other people to come up with ideas to improve is a cop out but hey you obviously think different.
  18. I know it’s not popular but I think the Colts idea is a good one for the development of better players which in turn will hopefully strengthen the national team. Where they would go is a toughy. Maybe a new improved TV deal with BT (strangely negotiations have begun really early) will be coupled with a total revamp of the Scottish game, possibly a new league setup including Colts with summer football.
  19. You got intel that Colts going into LL as certain? As far as we are aware LL would never go to 18 teams and there’s an integrity issue where a club like ours makes the biggest decision of its history to start at the bottom of the pyramid and try to progress on merit.
  20. If I’m reading this correctly none of these proposals have Juniors going in below the SFA Affiliated EOS and SOS Leagues. I’d be astounded if Juniors were put in over or beside these 2 Leagues and definitely not the Lowland League, it won’t happen. Only way Juniors can come in on par would be a WOS League were invites would probably be offered. If a full pyramid was to be agreed then you would think the Junior Leagues would shuffle in under EOS, WOS.
  21. Glesgaboy’s post history is certainly interesting if you look over 50% of his posts are pro SJFA, constantly bleating on about its the clubs and not the SJFAs responsibility to propose, plan and push through change. TJ is the leader of a 160 club association, if he thinks his job is to wait for clubs to propose action to improve the grade he is the leader of then imo he’s wrong, there’s a complete lack of leadership and respect to the clubs here. -Its like an M.D. of a business sitting and expecting their staff to plan, propose, lead, come up with ideas and drive changes to the business. That just doesn’t happen, the company would be broken. An M.D. plans, comes up with creative ideas to always improve then it can be left for the staff get on with it. -Its like a Football Club plodding along waiting for their supporters to come up with an idea to improve the club, it doesn’t happen. Office bearers and leaders of a club look at ways to improve and lead change. Kelty tried to arrange meetings with TJ on numerous occasions, we tried to get a meeting with all clubs East/West, they were refused. he didn’t think we were serious and 100% thought we wouldn’t leave, we obviously were bold enough to make an easy decision after our research, we lost all faith. We even had a parting shot email upon our EOS acceptance were we were asked if we had read the rules and that 12 months had to be given to resign from the SJFA, which we highlighted was wrong, absolutely staggering. Some clubs including us in the past were maybe afraid to speak up, the noisy children in the class are never liked. It’s ironic that in just 5 months since we left that there are big discussions being held and TJ will be at the centre of them, after we were degraded publicly by him the landscape hasn’t half changed in such a short space of time making some look silly. Be interesting to see how this pans out. SJFA must lead, they must be creative in ways to improve always otherwise people will lose faith which in all honesty probably set in years ago. The clubs are the losers here as most are doing some incredible work on and off the pitch by showing, ahem leadership and creative thinking on ways to improve led by the clubs office bearers.
  22. If there’s enough teams interested in a West Of Scotland League then I’m certain the time is now and they will be able to push it through for next season if the interested clubs can get to work on it. Interested clubs would have virtually 18 months from now to achieve their licence for promotion to the LL, you would think the winners of the new WOS would also get automatic entry into the Scottish Cup the same as the EOS & SOS. Clubs getting in early could if expected change comes to the pyramid effectively be 2/3 divisions higher than current Junior clubs who choose to stay. It was only last year that the EOS League had an info and an application pack In the public domain for clubs to join their respective league, I think there is a desire to progress tier 6 and what better way than to fill the 3 spaces available in the EOS League and have a new WOS League alongside. It would not only revitalise and further strengthen the pyramid and its clubs but also the non league cup competitions. If this was to come off common sense would say that more promotion/relegation places would be made into LL from tier 6 also. Auchinleck Talbot were keen on this 6 months ago, a WOS League seems to be what they were after, wonder if they are still of the same mind.
  23. There is probably a few people on this forum who were at that meeting that could put on here what was said.
  24. Things could be changing fairly soon if what I’m hearing comes to fruition. A West Of Scotland League to be formed alongside EOS & SOS at level 6. There’s some big big SJFA clubs in the West in discussions just now and have noted their interest in the proposed new league. At the last AGM our club was degraded and disrespected from the top man for our decision to move. This separation of clubs and clubs moving from the SJFA could have been avoided years ago if their was vision and forward thinking from the top of the SJFA to get involved in the pyramid and Licencing earlier, sadly they have let the grade decline through the years and their member clubs have been failed. To not have a sponsor for years for the best and biggest Cup Competition in Scotland outwith The Will Hill Scot Cup tells it all tbh.
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