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Everything posted by FifeArab

  1. Marcelo Rodriguez, the Spanish Michael Cole.
  2. Been training hard in ring so I’m hoping he looks half decent.
  3. Watched Hogan v Rock at WM 18 last night. About the first time I’ve watched it back since i was a 9 year old at time of WM18. The atmosphere is electric and the match itself is quite good as well.
  4. Fav- WM 17. Best mania ever worst- probably WM34. Best match- TLC at 17, that’s my favourite anyway. Most shocking moment- The Hardy Boyz returning or Taker losing the streak
  5. Watching ‘The best of Wrestlemania 2000’s’ on the network now.
  6. Apparently Foo Fighters are at Hampden that weekend.
  7. Would love to go to both, in an ideal world they’ll do smackdown at 6pm and let us get away for the football. I’ll probably just go for clash tickets.
  8. Smackdown same night we play Germany.
  9. Mania week, will be watching a few of my favourite matches when i get the chance.
  10. The Heaney fight was enjoyable, both boxers gave their all.
  11. Since The Rock left in 2003 you can count in one hand how many people have become top dogs like him- Cena, Reigns, Orton and Lesnar. The fact 20 years later in his 50’s he’s more over while doing a TikTok video than a lot of them in the back will ever be just reeks of jealousy.
  12. She was doing Bobby Lashley live on raw ffs.
  13. Paul Heyman finally been announced as the first inducted into this years WWE hall of fame.
  14. Grew up in Cupar and lived there for 17 years, good mates with a lot of the boys, they’ve got a strong team. Great result for them up there yesterday.
  15. Ended up never watching until this evening, skipped most. Absolutely felt like a Saudi show with 2 chamber matches. Get rid of the chamber PPV and use the chamber at some random ppv in future.
  16. We’re at home tomorrow so don’t need to leave till 2:30 so may do the same. If not I’ll avoid social media all day and watch it in bed after Arsenal v Newcastle.
  17. The rock’s theme playing at ht at Arsenal v Liverpool.
  18. Yeah mate that’s it, watched about 90 mins of the first disc last night. so much fun watching RVD, Raven and that tear up the place. As a kid i was obsessed with the Red announce table, blue steel chairs and when anyone was thrown off the stage through the covered up tables. I was buzzing whenever the Dudley’s got some old diva and power bombed them off the stage.
  19. Bought WWE: History of hardcore championship on eBay the other day for £9.99. Putting it on now. Loved the hardcore title as a kid.
  20. utter bowfing stuff tonight. Hopefully this means Cody beats Roman.
  21. This has been really underwhelming. Expected better tonight.
  22. Been a very meh rumble up till now anyway.
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