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Posts posted by AllyMonc

  1. 17 hours ago, FFC 1876 said:

    What's the script with Steven Warnock, I thought he had a decent loan at yourselves the season before last and Killie had him as a wonderkid when he was coming through the ranks.

    They've just released him saying they tried to get him out on loan last season but there wasn't enough interest which I find strange given his ability.

    Anything bad about his loan spell with you?

    That is bizarre I thought he was very good and destined for the Championship relatively comfortably (hard to say about breaking into a Premiership club's first team squad).


    Attitude seemed good, was a hard worker, decent physically and lovely technique.


    Very strange, hope he gets something sorted.

  2. 1 hour ago, Bestsinceslicebread said:

    Ok!   Edinburgh City had a bad year in Div 1, relegation and points deductions and even if no points deductions they would have been relegated.
    So now, back down to division 2.   What I'm interested to know from supporters, have City reached their level and will yo yo up n down between the two divisions or stay div 2 or do you think they will keep spiraling down divisions?


    This is definitely what makes a great pyramid, seeing teams progress and or fail with promotion and relegation and see how they fair over the years through their good times and bad times.

    Hopefully this bronze crap is sorted and Edinburgh just stay where they are to fight the new season trying to do well in division 2

    Personally I think League 2 is about the summit for us. Aye we made it into League 1 but I don't think those circumstances are repeatable and they evidently weren't sustainable.


    We'll be favourites to go down again next year which is fair enough but not impossible we can find a degree of stability and survive in League 2.


    Stadium is of course a massive issue and a limitation on any ambitions we might have. 


    On the pyramid I would like to see more movement between Lowland/Highland and League 2, clubs jumping between the 2 should be the norm, not this once you're down there's no coming back situation we have currently.

  3. Congratulations Dumbarton, hugely impressive display over the 2 legs and should have won the tie more comfortably.


    Decent chance of consolidating in League 1 next season I think. 


    Surprised by how poor Spartans were, far too direct and asking Henderson to do things he can't do (compete physically with a decent centre back). Delivery from corners was excellent but that's about it. 


    Assuming we don't get punted out the league and assuming we don't find another reason to drift to the brink of liquidation then the derbies should be good fun next season. 

  4. 58 minutes ago, Manwithnoball said:

    Looks like City and Kelty have been give a150524-club-licensing-awards.pdfnother month to sort things out going by release on sfa website of licensed clubs. Kelty in better position City still struggling on lots of areas. 

    Thanks for sharing - I actually think that the specific criteria won't be updated until the overall award is made, i.e. if we've been able to get the Stadium up to Bronze but need the other month to sort the Legal/Admin/Finance element then they'll update everything at once rather than doing 1 element at a time.


    That's not based on much other than the voices in my head.

  5. 35 minutes ago, Clyde01 said:

    Interesting to note, after reading the last few pages of the thread, that ground is one of the issues?

    I don't think the ground is an issue. The bronze requirements are minimal in this case. I don't think Meadowbank is good enough for this level of football to be honest but I'm pretty sure it's able to get to Bronze.

  6. 3 hours ago, EdinburghBlue said:

    Latest SFA update on licenses is still showing you (and Kelty) as Entry. What's your take on this?

    I think our case was always likely to take the longest, suspect the others were very simple. If, as I believe, it's just the audited accounts from the previous regime then I think we'll be fine and we'll come to an agreement.

  7. 4 hours ago, Les Cabbage said:

    Good news for your financial situation.

    3 Hibs season ticket holders about to sign up for Edinburgh City season tickets this season once we get our refunds through.

    Not sure if there’ll be any more that follow.

    Out of the fire and into the frying pan by the sounds of things.

    I'm sorry it's come to this for you mate, awful situation for Hibs fans to be in. 


    You'll of course be very welcome at City and for all the stresses of following a financially Imperilled lower league club it is at least a good laugh.


    Hopefully the club can be a wee home away from home for those who can't stomach the Mackay stuff.

  8. 10 minutes ago, realmadrid said:

    What is it in the latter rumour that is the big issue for the club?

    I think it's just an extension of the press speculation last week that we wouldn't meet the licensing requirements and will be punted out the SPFL. 

  9. Some people saying we'll hear this week about whether our derogation request has been approved and that it should be absolutely fine.


    Some people saying Stranraer and EK have been told not to worry too much about the playoff final result as they'll both be in SPFL 2 next season. One as playoff winner, the other replacing us.


    I guess at some point we'll find out.


    For what it's worth I've no idea either way but have heard the second rumour from a few folk these last few days.

  10. 17 hours ago, BullyWeeClydeFc said:

    How do yous think Edinburgh will cope in L2. Where is the realistic target?

    We'll be favourites to finish bottom but if he gets an even slightly competitive budget I think the manager has enough about him to get us aiming for the good playoffs. 


    Obviously hard to say as we'll need an almost entirely new squad.

  11. Have done a bit more reading as I’m getting the tea on. From what I can see the 1st July deadline isn’t the one we need to worry about as we’ve applied for a derogation by the 31st March deadline and our application for that is to be considered next week. 

    The 1st July deadline is for clubs who just need to do a bit of remedial work to get from Entry to Bronze - employ a club doctor for example, and confirm by 31st March that they’ll have that sorted by 1st June.


    I’ve had a look at the jump from Entry to Bronze and it’s not that arduous - need a doctor and a therapist, safety officer etc. but suspect that’s doable. Meadowbank, as bad as it is, seems to be okay - it’s not about supporter experience, if it was (and maybe it should be) then that’s a different story.


    Youth section can remain as N/A I think.


    The biggest hurdle I can see (and what I assume we’ve asked for a derogation for) is the requirements around financial reporting and a signed auditors opinion. Unfortunately the mob that signed off big Donald Trump’s media company accounts have been struck off as I can’t see anyone else putting their name to it. We posted micro accounts as at 31st May 23 which was fine for Entry but clearly not for Bronze. The next accounts would not be due until late Feb 25 covering the period to 31st May 24 (you get 9 months to file basically).


    So, the next set of accounts will be fine (well, they’ll meet accounting standards) but the accounts we filed at Companies House on 29 Feb this year won’t get signed off, aren’t of sufficient detail and relate to a reporting period under the previous regime so little or nothing the current lot can do if they don’t have the detail.


    This is just me trying to make sense of things while I layer my veggie moussaka so could be miles off.


    It’s also probably the best case scenario so on that basis unlikely.

  12. 5 minutes ago, Ginaro said:

    You've been given a derogation by the SFA but awarded Bronze, or you're still going to be entry but the SPFL have granted a waiver/period of grace under rule D6 on the membership criteria?

    We haven't been given anything. We're entry (as are others). We are in discussions with the SPFL to ensure we can play next season. I don't know (or care really) how we get that approval, I just hope we do. 


    Statement due shortly apparently 

  13. 16 minutes ago, Ginaro said:

    The reason you don't have Bronze isn't because all three licensing areas are Entry in the latest list? How does that work? 

    Sorry - have been given Bronze or a waiver for the upcoming season. Assume the status would only update once the process is complete - i.e. it's not a rolling thing

  14. Was hoping I wouldn't have to do this again.....


    A few of us have asked the club to make a statement in regards to this as the speculation isn't helping anyone. 


    As far as I've been told we've been in discussion with the SPFL in regards to this and those discussions have been positive - the reason we don't have Bronze is apparently not linked to either of the areas speculated on (financial fair play or stadium) but something simpler and easier to get a pass on. 


    I am worried but not as worried as I have been at various points over the last 12 months.

  15. Aye, hopefully Spartans stay down so we get the derby, Bonnyrigg as well and with Dick Campbell in charge and the new trainline ready the trip to Methil is even more appealing than usual!


    Very much looking forward to being in a league without any full time teams. Leave the diddy leagues for the diddies 

  16. 1 hour ago, craigkillie said:

    I'm sure that Annan who were denied promotion by Edinburgh's squad they couldn't afford in 2021/22, or Clyde and Forfar who were relegated last season whilst a team overpaying their players finished above them, won't think the punishment is too harsh. Financial doping has positive implications on the pitch in terms of results, so the punishment needs to reflect actions on the pitch.

    Football authorities have no way of "going after" previous owners to punish them.

    I believe a lot of the unfairness chat comes from a belief that other clubs have had lesser punishments (fines, in some cases suspended) for similar offences. Whether that's true or not I don't know (or particularly care if I'm honest)


    As I've said on here and on Twitter, if we've acted in the way laid out in the statement then I don't see how we can argue against the punishment and we'll just have to suck it up.


    However, for the players, the management staff and the fans, it is too harsh a punishment, they are suffering the consequences of actions that had nothing to do with them or they had no control over. I don't think policing their (our) reactions does anyone any favours.


  17. 18 minutes ago, A Diamond For Me said:


    It looks pretty desperate, for sure.  I wonder if a fine was a realistic option, though - would Edinburgh City have the means to pay any fine that wasn't just a token slap on the wrist?


    I honestly think if we'd have been upfront and open with the SPFL it would have been a fine and, hopefully my wife isn't reading this, I'd put away some cash to contribute.


    At least I've saved some money I guess

  18. 7 minutes ago, Dunning1874 said:

    It's clear that the current custodians of the club were dealt a shit hand by the previous charlatan doing a runner and much of the mess that's engulfed this season isn't of their making, but there's really no way around this points deduction being their fault.

    From the outside it already seemed like the response was really poor in terms of communication with fans, taking days to make any kind of statement when players started leaving and rumours were spreading in the space created by total silence from the club, but to fail to comply with the rules of the league on updating the SPFL on the situation is really unforgivable. If the failure to communicate properly with fans when it first kicked off had been down to ensuring they complied with the rules then that would be understandable, but this is shambolic and it's hard to imagine the punishment would have gone as far as a points deduction if they'd been in contact with the SPFL as required.

    Yeah hard to disagree with any of this. Hard to take.

  19. Absolutely devastated at the points deduction, I had been anticipating a fine but when you read the statement we've not got a leg to stand on. If we've refused to engage with the process and essentially stuck our head in the sand then that's unforgivable.


    Those players and the staff deserve a sporting chance to avoid relegation, and the fans deserve a chance to watch them try, they've earned that right and for some of these players it could have been career defining and a springboard to bigger things. To have that chance taken away by an off the pitch decision that had nothing to do with them is heartbreaking.


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