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Everything posted by Cheese

  1. Controversy as Comey is called a 'bigly liar' by unknown lawyer Ronald Stump.
  2. In all seriousness, doubt we'd have the sort of cash Thistle are looking for even throwing in Forster. Think we're full up at centre back with Efe, Daz, Hanlon and Fonts.
  4. I'll be seething if big Angus loses his seat tomorrow because he was out sampling the nightlife of Norwich.
  5. ^^^ about to be removed from the good guys and put into the jammie wearers group.
  6. Benji was a decent player but a bit of a dick. Murphy was a god. Best left back I've seen at ER.
  7. Too many decent Hearts fans on this thead tbqh. Needs more jammie wearing kickbackers imo.
  8. He'll be on the Mossad watch list now. 'The Israeli Foreign Office would remind citizens to be vigilant when visiting the UK due to the increased threat from groups such as ISIS, Al Qaeda and NLGAWA'
  9. Support for Indy in polling averages around 45% since 2014 with lows of 38% and highs of 53%. Unlucky. .You've now turned into a seething mess when faced with the reality of the situation. Unlucky.
  10. Support for Indy is considerably higher in the younger age groups, making it inevitable that one day we'll eventually run our own affairs like every other country in the world. Unlucky.
  11. Looking likely that the size of the turnout may decide the size of the Tory majority. Weather meant to be bad on Thursday.
  12. Lewis deserves a big crowd for this, he's been a good servant to the club and is a double cup winning legend. Not the ideal opposition, so hoping for a couple of decent guest appearances.
  13. Nice, giant cow to raise money for the new stand. Saving the bake sales for transfers and signing on fees.
  14. Reckon it's that Cupid Stunt boy that was posting on here.
  15. Cheese

    The Wire

    Here's a decent article on The Wire and Baltimore that accompanies the photos you linked. https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2017/may/27/baltimore-15-years-after-the-wire Currently on a rewatch of this, now on S3 Ep2. Forgot just how good it is.
  16. I'd agree. Difficult to trust the pollsters now after the amount they've got wrong recently.
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