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Everything posted by Cheese

  1. Allan is a great signing tbf. He'll no doubt be looking to impress in the hope of winning a contract at Ibrox.
  2. Why did she mention the Tories and not the Lib Dems, who previously held and were 2nd in 2015 in many of the Highland and Border seats ?
  3. So reading between the lines ... If you live in x and want rid of the SNP vote Labour, but if you live in x you're better to vote Tory.
  4. I usually drink in The Scottie or Broadfields. Been in plenty worse boozers than those two. Scotties is a quiet pub. Occasionally get some nonsense going on in Broadfields, but it's usually just handbags. Eta: Giovanni's is the chippy, which is one of the best in Edinburgh.
  5. 'No special status for NI and a soft border with RoI' is surely unachievable with ditching the single market and freedom of movement. NI is almost certain to require some sort of 'special status' in the Brexit deal to keep everyone reasonably happy. This of course has a knock on effect with Sturgeon, the SNP and perhaps even Davidson requesting similar for Scotland.
  6. It's easy to say we rejected a higher offer last year, but without knowing the exact structure of the 2 deals there's no real way of comparing them. Was the bid last year dependant on clauses like goals scored, promotion etc. ? Is the Forest bid cash up front ? Does JC now have a release clause in his new contract ?
  7. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/orange-order-portadown-northern-ireland-dup-use-banned-drumcree-march-negotiations-with-theresa-may-a7785026.html Is this the sort of shit we can look forward to from the DUP and their core support over the next few months ?
  8. You'd think it wouldn't be less than £1.8m, although I've no idea if that deal was straight upfront or structured. Forest's deal may be a better offer in the eyes of the board. I totally agree with the second point. Rod ain't no fool.
  9. We're going to have a v.decent defence and a shite attack. There's going to be a shitload of draws again next season isn't there ?
  10. You been in recently ? Now serves food, live music, craft beers.
  11. Couple of places down my way have had their moments in the past. The Crown and Cushion and The Jocks Lodge. Both have been taken over and changed beyond recognition.
  12. Agreed, have my doubts Warbs will be able to handle his #bantz Back up the road to us or Ibrox in 12-18 months.
  13. At least he'll go for a decent wedge.. This alone should put an extra £500k on the fee.
  14. Aye, it's some place. Looks desolate as f**k from outside, with the field and the prison behind. Currently building some new houses there now.
  15. Agreed, although I've not been in since it was full of students before the college moved.
  16. No it wasn't. I'm sure the one you've mentioned is just a Hearts supporters club. The issue is probably the clientele rather than the pub itself.
  17. Is this the (old)Prison officers Club at the roundabout of Inglis Green Road and Murrayburn you are thinking of ?
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