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Posts posted by MeadowArab

  1. On a slight tangent we have fortnightly bin collections as well, in the sense that we have a recycling bin and a general waste bin which go out on alternate weeks.  Fairly uninteresting stuff and it in and of itself doesn't cause any problems.

    One of my neighbours though is a complete c###, as he sticks his bin out on bin day but then doesn't bother his arse to collect the thing for three or four days.  That in itself doesn't bother me, but because he leaves it sitting on the kerb for days on end occasionally some dog walker or other will decide rather than carry their dog dirt around with them they'll pop it in his bin as they pass.  Or alternately maybe some kid will stick their empty can of Irn Bru in there rather than just chucking it onto the street.  He'll eventually sortie out, flip up the lid, and if this has happened tip his bin over and empty the bagged dog crap or whatever out into the street.  He'll then blithely swan off bin in tow leaving a mound of dogshit wrapped in plastic or a pile of litter on the road for someone else to clean up.  Thankfully he stays a few doors down so it isn't right on my doorstep, so to speak, but I know he's had words with a number of folk in the street about this and generally doesn't care what state the road is in so long as his bin isn't sullied with other folk's rubbish.

    What gets me about this is that if you're that bothered by the thought of someone else putting stuff in your bin why leave it out on the street for days on end every fucking time

    Sounds like he's up his own a**e imo
  2. If we assume (for no obvious reason) that he's not going to make it at Sporting, why should the default alternative be going to England?  Why not the Netherlands, or Germany, or France? 
    He's already shown that he's not one of those typical Brits who can't bear living outside the Anglophone world. 

    I agree completely. I remember in an interview with Jim Spence, he said that he always fancied going abroad as he thinks his style would be better suited in leagues outside of Britain.
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