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Everything posted by Deplorable

  1. Photographic evidence of Trump attempting to grab a pussy! Yes, I know I'm the one millionth person to make that joke.
  2. We are obligated to defend Germany if they are attacked in their homeland. They have the same obligation to us. Beyond that there is nothing. Their government sought to undermine the US in the lead up to the Iraq war. We are not obligated as nations to always support each other on every subject. That is an issue for the voters of each country. Merkel vs. Putin was a huge, huge deal in this last election. Everyone who cast a vote had heard the arguments. The guy who criticized Merkel and wanted closer relations with Putin won.
  3. We are just going to have to disagree. For evidence on my side you have the acting Attorney General refusing to enforce Trump's EO. Whether you think the order was legal or not, many of our countries brightest legal minds, including many on the left, say that it was perfectly legal. It had not faced a court ruling yet. You have intelligence agents risking jail time to illegally leak information about Mike Flynn. You have left wing politicians and journalists openly celebrating what they are calling resistance within the Executive Branch.
  4. There is a law from the 1700s called the Logan Act. It prohibits unauthorized citizens from engaging in negotiations with foreign governments with which the US government is having a dispute. So yes, under that law Russia would be different since the current US President had just imposed sanctions. This law has never been applied to Presidential transitions, although most transitions face accusations it seems. It just doesn't usually get this level of scrutiny. For instance, a member of Obama's transition team resigned after it was revealed that he held meetings with Hamas, but he later served in the Obama administration. Welshy ran down a list of some of the more prominent instances (Nixon and Vietnam, Reagan and Iran). It appears from sources that there were no deep level discussions of the sanctions, and that they were just mentioned in passing. Flynn said the new administration would review them. Nothing too controversial. The President should be able to hire and fire anyone who works for the executive branch at will. He's the elected one. Any elected official should be able to fire any unelected person who works under them. That's the only democratic way to operate a government. There's nothing set in stone that Germany has to be America's ally. It was well known that Merkel was Obama's favorite foreign leader. Clinton listed her as her favorite. Trump favored Russia. I think Germany is an aggressive country trying to impose their ideology, multiculturalism, onto the small nations of central Europe who want none of it. I suspect Trump is close to me in his beliefs on that subject.
  5. The House of Representatives Intelligence Committee Chairman, Devin Nunes, has publicly questioned whether anybody had a warrant to listen in on Flynn's calls. If not then the call must have been listened in on based on the governments authority to spy on foreign governments. When an American is caught up in their spying there is an arduous process for revealing any information about that American. Rep. Nunes says that revealing any information would require authorization at the highest levels. http://dailycaller.com/2017/02/14/gop-intel-chair-pretty-sure-fbi-didnt-have-warrant-to-record-flynn/ Was the Obama administration spying on the Trump transition team? What did Obama know and when did he know it?
  6. Deciding to let the Russians attack Germany is not treason. It's the President's right. It's foreign policy. Treason is bureaucrats in the spy agencies leaking classified information to the press in an effort to topple one the President's top aides and destabilize a legitimately elected President who ran on close ties with Russia. As Eli Lake said in Bloomberg News: "Normally intercepts of US official and citizens are some of the most tightly held government secrets. This is for good reason. Selectively disclosing details of private conversations monitored by the FBI or NSA gives the permanent state the power to destroy reputations from the cloak of anonymity. This is what police states doe."
  7. Because he was less than forthcoming is the official line. This is an issue of him stepping outside of his bounds. I was responding to Paco saying that Flynn had no arguments against his firing. He is claiming innocence, and there are sources who have seen the transcripts backing him up. In reality, it could be any one of a million reasons and Trump was just using this as an excuse to dump him. Who knows?
  8. Zero chance. This is about Flynn. Trump could tell Flynn to instruct Russia that we are dismantling our whole military and leaving NATO, and Trump would be within his rights. The Republicans in Congress are already calling for investigations of the intelligence services and prosecution of the leakers. It's a ten year sentence to put out the information that was leaked about Flynn.
  9. Flynn is saying he did nothing wrong. Reports are that the transcripts of the phone call are pretty ambiguous and can be read multiple ways. Wikileaks is saying that Obama loyalists leaked the call to protect the Iran deal. The mainstream media is spinning it that career intelligence agents are so scared about the Trump team's approach to national security that they are being forced to extraordinary lengths. Flynn made a lot of enemies in the intelligence services under the Obama administration and the talk was that he was planning a huge house cleaning. It's hard to say what's what. And no, there's nothing wrong with a transition team talking to foreign governments and getting their ducks in a row about what's going to happen once the new guys take over. I suppose the question is whether Flynn was talking about stuff he was supposed to leave alone. I certainly don't have a problem with people in the administration pushing for better ties with Russia. We just ran a campaign where Russia featured prominently and the candidate couldn't have presented more opposite views. The pro-Russia candidate won.
  10. Scary stuff that Democrat operatives within the intelligence agencies are illegally leaking information to bring down their political opponents. Hopefully people end up in jail for this. It's odd that getting cozy with Russia is considered traitorous. Since Trump won election promising close ties with Russia, isn't it traitorous to stand in the way of close ties? Mexican politicians are in the US meeting with illegal aliens to convince them to try and clog up the court system and endure detention rather than deportation. The Mexican government has allocated $50 million to aid in this effort. Mexico's true colors as our national enemy are showing. Can you imagine if 10-20 million Americans were living illegally in Country X, our government did everything we could to stop a candidate who wanted to remove them, and then came up with a scheme of widespread disobedience towards local authorities to interfere with the legal process in that country? The world would be melting down, but I'm sure most countries will be cheering on Mexico.
  11. Good enough? If Swampy was really a college professor he was probably that Harambe Legion guy. That dude writes way better, with way better grammar, and in a way more persuasive way than I can.
  12. At World Series Game 1 NBA Finals Game 4 with a few female friends
  13. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/donald-trump-state-visit-london-midlands-a7575716.html Donald Trump’s state visit to the UK could be moved from London to the Midlands Reasoning behind move is to allow President to face a more sympathetic crowd in Brexit heartland Donald Trump’s state visit to the UK could be moved from London to the Midlands, it has been reported. The change of location is apparently being considered to allow the President to address a rally and raise money for war veterans through ticket sales. It is thought the reasoning behind the move is to allow Mr Trump to face a more sympathetic crowd in the Brexit heartland. “It would be his biggest rally with 85,000 people coming together to celebrate the US-UK special relationship,” a source close to Mr Trump said, according to The Daily Telegraph. “If he is not speaking to the Houses of Parliament, let’s go to the people. The only person who gets screwed is the Speaker of the House of Commons.” The plans for the Trump rally include performances by cheerleaders from America’s National Football League.
  14. This is a Scottish accent, correct? Regarding the earlier talk about California farms: http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-garlic-labor-shortage-20170207-story.html How this garlic farm went from a labor shortage to over 150 people on its applicant wait list I guess it turns out that raising wages from $11 to $15 per hour makes Americans want to do the work all of a sudden.
  15. Unless you combine that will real border enforcement then it's no good and you just end up with the same mess all over again. The newly legal workers would move up into the legal economy and new illegals would replace them. Reagan offered an amnesty to all illegals in the 80s to be combined with border enforcement that would shut down all future illegal immigration. He said it was one of his biggest mistakes as President. Republicans have offered amnesty after it's shown that the border is secure numerous times over my life and the Democrats won't agree to real border enforcement. One side note, it's not just population density. It's first world infrastructure that's the issue. Low wage immigrants suck up more in public service and infrastructure use than they contribute. It's just that the costs and benefits are unevenly distributed. The use of infrastructure and taxpayer costs go to everyone, while the benefits of cheap labor accrue mostly to a small group of people.
  16. 1. That's all going to be automated soon anyways. As a side note, automation is going to be a major problem in the near future regarding employment, which is near the top of the list for why we need to stop importing low skilled people as soon as possible. 2. Generally, I think that most companies complaining about a lack of workers just don't want to pay or don't want to train Americans. However, there are some jobs that do fall into the "Americans won't do them" category. For those jobs, like picking avocados, you implement a strict guest worker program where people come and work their allotted time before going home.
  17. My state doesn't give drivers licenses to illegal immigrants, so they have to hire legal for that job. He tries to get legal Chinese from time to time, but they generally don't want to live here compared to other parts of the country. Plus my specific town has infrastructure issues and is hanging off the side of a mountain so you have to know the roads to deliver fast. The last Chinese person he hired drove here from Chicago for the job and was fired after the first day because he was too slow. ICE is not a danger. Basically every foreign owned restaurant employs mostly illegals. I've worked at least part time in restaurants since I was 16. There are no raids. Employers don't worry.
  18. I work part time at a Chinese restaurant. Everyone but the drivers are illegals. They are paid less than minimum wage, no overtime, and the front of house staff have their tips confiscated by the owner. They employ Chinese accountants in New York City to make everything look legal. Explain how you want the employment laws enforced. Do you want federal agents going to every little employer in the country and checking papers? And then we haven't even touched on the whole underground economy of independent contractors.
  19. 1. How? There are millions of illegals in this country who will work for less. Part of the way employment laws are enforced is that employees know their rights and make sure the employer follows the rules. Illegal immigrants don't care, and that makes them very, very attractive employees to certain employers. It's not just minimum wage, it's all employment protections. 2. It's not just about the minimum wage. There are plenty of jobs that would be "living wage" jobs within a purely 1st World/USA market, but have the pay driven down to near minimum wage by low wage immigration, legal and illegal. Have you ever worked at a place which employed illegal immigrants?
  20. Driving down wages for Americans and making extra profits for the rich.
  21. A Texas jury sentenced a woman to 8 years in prison today for illegally voting. Jesus. Bills have been introduced in both the House and Senate to break up the 9th circuit. John McCain is behind the one in the Senate. It seems like in recent years the 9th circuits record on rulings that proceed to the Supreme Court is between 10% and 30%. Kind of makes a mockery of the idea that judges are impartial experts ruling purely on law. Law professor Eugene Kotorovich notes something interesting in the 9ths ruling. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2017/02/09/the-9th-circuits-dangerous-and-unprecedented-use-of-campaign-statements-to-block-presidential-policy/?utm_term=.ca8f8aeb22f1
  22. The problem is that a system which allows a mass increase in the number of low skilled workers does have a mass negative effect on society as a whole and many Americans. Every week I watch Americans come into where I work and ask if we are hiring and every time they are turned away just because they are American. Illegals will work harder for 1/2 to 1/3rd as much and are easier to control as employees. That's the situation Americans on the bottom end of society are facing when they look for work. Edit: I'd also question whether she was a net taxpayer. Almost no low income workers with kids are net taxpayers. Almost no illegals with kids are net taxpayers.
  23. Get off work at 3 am most days. That's different than what I said. I said that even if you give black people the same income at the same points in life, they will end up on average with much, much less wealth. Differences in how wealth is handled is a massive factor in the income gap. That's specifically why reparations won't work as a long term solution for black poverty or the income gap. I was responding to a specific proposal for how to help black people in America. Black people in the same credit score range are more likely to default than white people. Black people with the same income are more likely to have a low credit score. That's what I mean about habits regarding wealth leading to different outcomes even if the income is the same.
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