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Everything posted by dezz

  1. My thoughts exactly. For our budget that group would, on the face of it, offer a really good mix of the strength, physicality and work rate that has served us well this season with Main and Bowman, the guile and trickery of Ciftci and Tanner, and some much needed pace from O’Halloran. It’d also allow us to mix it up depending on the opposition which we weren’t really in a position to do at any point this season, aside from maybe the first few games after the winter break before Tanner and Nadir’s injuries.
  2. Main, Bowman, Tanner, Ciftci and O’Halloran as attacking options next season will be just fine, thanks.
  3. Our record against them this season... Drew 2, lost 2. Fingers crossed we win at the 5th time of asking as well ????
  4. Good effort with next seasons home kit, Dees [emoji108]
  5. Being a resident of the fine EH6 area I have a bit of a soft spot for the Hibees which has grown immensely over the last couple of years thanks to their seemingly unrivalled ability to make this lot utterly lose their shit. Long may it continue.
  6. Robinson certainly has sorted out the defensive side of things which was badly needed following last years shambles. Now that we have Carson, Tait, Dunne, Kipre and Hartley all signed up for another 2 years I hope this solid base, ignoring any possible transfer departures, will allow Robinson to develop a slightly more attractive style of play without moving away from the high intensity game that has been successful this year. Some tinkering in the midfield and upfront should hopefully be all that’s required this summer.
  7. Cheers Capt, useful stuff. I must say, every time I’ve watched the highlights it’s been Turnbull that has caught my eye, everything looks effortless when he’s on the ball. He seems to have done well in recent Scotland age group fixtures too. Hopefully Robinson can adapt our gameplay slightly for in future to play a bit more football to suite guys like Turnbull, although I wonder if maybe a 6 month loan would be more beneficial to get him some sustained game time at senior level. Ah, I was wondering who the ginger guy was. I’ve heard Craigan talk about him a number of times in a positive light. Hopefully these guys can play more of a role in the first team next year as being honest has Petravicius offered any more than Hastie would have? And at least Livingstone has been fit unlike long term Thunderdome victim Ellis Plummer. Certainly looks like a good few have the ability to step up and I’m hoping to see a few given a few minutes here and there over the next few weeks.
  8. I was wondering if anyone on here get the chance to regularly watch the Under 20’s? I only get to see the highlights on YouTube and after another great result tonight it really looks like we have some players that could make an impact on the first team in the near future - albeit I’m judging this on highlights only. McGuire, Turnbull, Gordon, Livingstone and Hastie all look very capable and have all, with the exception of Hastie I think, already made their debuts in the first team. Added to that we have Scott, Semple and Agyeman who I believe are only 16/17 and already look comfortable and up to the physical challenge of playing against guys up to 4 years older. Just wondering if anyone who has a bit more insight into the 20’s can give a more detailed opinion and if there’s anyone else we should be keeping our eyes on?
  9. Bloody excellent news! Bowman I’m kind of meh about but if he’s happy to be a squad player/back up we can could certainly do worse. I reckon we will make some serious cash off Kipre (7 figures?) and possibly Dunne if he keeps up his post January form. Glad they’ll all be in C&A for a while yet though. What a boost this is before the semi tomorrow the excitement level has just ramped up another notch.
  10. The #content we are churning out this season really is outstanding. I can’t say I really follow many of the other Premiership clubs social accounts but I’d be surprised if any are doing it as well as us at the minute (if at all). A real credit to the media guys given their presumably limited budget.
  11. Bonner is the worst by a country mile, which is saying something given the competition. ‘’The young lad’’ who’s name he can’t be arsed to learn or remember is often a guy in his mid-late 20’s. Embarrassing. I liked Michael Stewart when he first started and I still think he’s one of the better ones. He seems a bit more progressive, and without wanting to get into the debate about the merits of stats/XG etc he at least shows a willingness of trying to learn and develop his analysis and commentary rather than endlessly churn out the usual cliches and sound bites. He has started to disappear up his own arse a bit though and as mentioned above gets a bit political every so often which should be kept separate from football. Derek Rae was absolutely brilliant and it’s a shame he’s away back to the US. Great commentator who consistently talked up our game.
  12. As others have said, we can shed quite a few ‘first team’ players from this season and replace them with current Under 20’s and it will have little to no detrimental impact on the squad whilst likely saving a bit of cash at the same time - Ferguson for Griffiths, Livingstone for Hendrie, Turnbull for Grimshaw, McLean/Hastie for Petravicius and McGuire for Plummer. I reckon we will lose two of Kipre, Cadden and Carson with the latter certainly the most difficult to replace. Any outside chance of Dunne knocking back the contract extension and leaving given his performances since Jan? Or was the extension in the clubs favour? It’s all been suspiciously quiet since Robbo first mentioned it. I also expect to Rose to leave given the contract/family situation and possibly Bigi if he doesn’t get more game time. I hope we see a summer of tweaking and improving rather than a full overhaul as it has been in recent summers. Get Big Nadz back in too so he can get the Robbo pre-season treatment.
  13. Tell me about it! That’s her favourite hobby. She goes absolutely mental for it, sits for hours swiping her paws through the water.
  14. Here’s my wee pal Heidi. Spends most of her time sitting in the sink for some reason but she’s good fun.
  15. I was in last night. The place was howling of paint and I think the toilets had been done up. Decent boozer though. I tend not to venture too far from Leith nowadays because there’s plenty of good places on Leith Walk, but closer to the city you can’t go too wrong on Rose Street. Beer & skittles is decent and I’m a fan of The Queens Arms on Frederick Street. Still miss my old local of The Stockbridge Tap though.
  16. I’d argue say he’s been fairly generous to Petra. Generally just about spot on though. Hartley, Kipre and Carson the pick of the bunch so far.
  17. Are those viewing numbers just for the video on the official club twitter? Or does that include the likes of Bleacher Report, Ladbrokes, Sky Sports etc that have posted it too? If not, and adding Facebook into the mix, it must easily have over 3m views. Cracking bit of exposure for the club and well deserved for the media guys who do a great job.
  18. Bigi is the man!! Agree with the above, a bit disappointed Ciftci seems to be a completely normal, down to earth guy. Was expecting him to have lamped George Newell by now.
  19. This doesn’t bother me too much. We’ll play Celtic once, maybe twice again this season. If Ciftci comes in and scores the goals that help us beat the likes of Accies, Partick, Dundee etc in the 20-odd other games we’ve got left then I’ll not be too bothered if he misses a game against Celtic. They’re not the games that will have the biggest bearing on where we finish this season.
  20. I read an article about David Clarkson’s departure from St Mirren last week and it was mentioned that he has been helping coach our youth teams. Not sure at what age group(s) or if it is in any formal capacity though.
  21. Absolutely. Frear isn’t the strong runner that can carry the ball 50-60 yards and put in a cross like Cadden. He’s much more of a tricky winger - beat his man with a couple of touches, get to the by line and get the ball in. He needs to be played further forward to get the most out of him. Easier said than done but if we could get a striker that can play up top on his own i’d love to see Frear - Tanner - Cadden in behind a lone frontman.
  22. From the few highlights I’ve seen of the 20’s, Semple seems pretty comfortable at that level already but not ready for first team action yet. Also watched him for Scotland in the Home Nations Shield thing earlier in the year - he certainly looks a player.
  23. To be fair to him there seems to have been some decent stuff that has came out of the survey that is being taken on board, the season ticket campaign was successful and we got some decent press coverage from the mascot stuff...but I agree that the dripping with emoji attempts at #Bantz was fucking cringeworthy. Interested to see if we try and bring in someone else for the role or if we've mined enough info and know how from him that someone already at the club can take on the job?
  24. The BBC really just don't care do they? Paul Hartley still Dundee manager apparently and overtaking players are go-karting nonetheless. There's also a photo reaffirming this later down page. No doubt they'll have the 'out of work manager' linked to the Hearts job in another article.
  25. I thought Robbo mentioned Moult had an op a few weeks ago and the plan was to have him ready for the rangers game.
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