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Posts posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. 3 hours ago, ayrunitedfw said:

    As much as were all desperate for signings were in a fairly decent position at the moment in terms of squad rebuilding. Only Livingston have signed more players at this stage. We’re currently sitting at a squad of 21, I suspect 3 or 4 of them may move on loan which will free up some more space. That being said we’re still needing to add 5 or 6 so a lot of work still to be done. 

    5 or 6 I'm assuming not including the don't knows from the 21? Which would need replaced so it'll be more than 5 or 6?

    Even at 21 atm it still feels bloated and could do with a trim. 

  2. 1 hour ago, THEHonestman1910 said:

    I wouldn't worry too much about it. I think every team goes through a dry period of the window where you have a week or two without a signing. We've still got 6 weeks until our first competitive match so I'm a bit more laid back (surprisingly)

    Brown said he was wanting business done early though. 

    Not that I'm expecting things this early but earlier than usual. 

    Its imperative to get off to a good start next season, I don't see much leeway with the way the league is set up 

  3. 1 hour ago, Ayrmail said:

    Had to google that not because I didn’t believe you just I had questions, so it £18k for each of the teams involved no wonder they are trying to cut costs(premier sports) , they need to sell 2500 passes at £14 to break even. No wonder the bbc pay us peanuts for our Friday night games. 

    TV money gets put into a pot as well does it not, or at least it used to, or something like that.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Thumper said:

    It's funny that nobody has even considered that he might have Skyped them, like every interview in every other occupation.

    But also - Bullen put pen to paper for multiple players he'd never even seen! Admittedly the chance that a player based in Edinburgh rather than Bethnal Green would be unable to travel for a face-to-face is a bit different, but still. It's been a funny old few years.

    And Hopkin buggered off on holiday and everything came to a standstill while he was away...

  5. 2 minutes ago, Scott-ish said:

    They sold the whole support out when they chose Celtic to open the new stand. They knew exactly the reaction it would receive and the resentment it would cause. 

    They knew that Celtic fans would get far more out this game than Ayr fans would. They knew from the off that the ground would be 75% Celtic (at least).

    They made a business decision and dropped their drawers for money. 

    Some folk are happy with that. I'm not. Not going to cry over it and when we get a decent player signed I'll more than likely move on but they've lost the trust (again) of a lot of young fans. They'll never learn.

    You've been crying over it all day. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Coollestersmoothe said:

    The way the chat on here is going about this though is starting to reflect P&B at it's most tedious. One side is framed as permaraging, with their piss being constantly on the boil and the other side as being cool headed megaminds who always have the big picture in mind. Boring as f**k.

    This is an irritating but inconsequential game. Sulk like me for a few hours, mump and moan about it after a few pints, take their money and get over it. 

    Which side do you fall on then?

    Or are you the impartial voice of reason?

  7. 17 minutes ago, Coollestersmoothe said:

    I'm annoyed by it. Selling tickets to anybody other than the home fans in the home end breaks a point of principle for me. But, by christ, it's one (non-competitive) game. Feel aggrieved for 10 minutes and move on. 

    Most level headed response from the NIMBY crowd I've read so far.

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