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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. Smith and Mathie will be looking at it in terms of their "long term project" though. A quarter final and even if we end up finishing 5th or 6th, is still an improvement on last season, and they will see it as something to improve on next season. Coupled with a years managerial experience under his belt.
  2. The only way he's leaving is of his own volition. On the face of it, punting him is a mad decision.
  3. Yes it would give me a chuckle if they were to beat us. Unlike the Falkirk defeat. Think I've mentally checked out after that. Still ragin.
  4. Probably. It'll be interesting to see if the fundraising guy does too though, especially if he does come over after folk raising money for him
  5. Which will make it interesting next season for Bullen when he doesn't have Dipo to rely on. So he has to make massive improvements on that part otherwise he won't last past Xmas.
  6. With Reading it's like watching a boxer taking a pounding and you'd wish for the official to step in for the guys sake.
  7. We weren’t aggressive enough and lost every individual battle. If you want to be successful in this league sometimes you need to grind I mean, isn't that Bullen's whole shtick. It's what probably put us where we were in the first half of the season, if he doesn't even have that now then he's kinda screwed cause he ain't winning it on tactics
  8. I don't think we'll be getting any more grand statements from them this season
  9. At least this historic chat can be consigned to where it belongs.
  10. Bullen just doesn't have the in game tactical nous to change a game. For the better I mean
  11. Entertaining stuff but not sure how long we can hold out if it stays like this, you'd think dundee are good for at least another
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