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Posts posted by quickoverayard

  1. Higher weight surely? Can't fault Khan's balls for taking that on. He's a good fighter with exceptionally fast hands, can bang too. Unfortunately, he has a weak jaw and tries to drag most fights into a macho battle.

    Aye weight was an issue especially when canelo can bang and he is a class fighter. Not doubting the skills of Khan I just don't think he is at the level he thinks he is. The weak jaw is a massive issue
  2. I fancy Spence on points. Looked better of the two at the weigh. Spence for me is the best fighter at this weight. I honestly thought brook would vacate and this fight never happen. Buzzing for it

  3. On Tuesday night I watched :

    Patriots Day:
    Believe it or not, I didn't actually know the Boston marathon bombings was a real event, I never watch the news, don't read newspapers and if it was mentioned in work, then I obviously wasn't paying much attention as I have the memory of a sponge at the best of times, but anyway....
    Thoroughly enjoyed this film, I really like Mark Wahlberg but he annoyed me in this film for some reason. I get the NEED for Hollywood to have a main hero, I really do, but I was more entranced in the story and the subsequent chase of the terrorists. The use of the actual CCTV of the bombers is very good as well, esp the kidnapping and the actual 911 call from the Chinese fella.
    The last 10 mins when they show the real people involved was very interesting also.

    8/10 - will watch again.

    I watched this the other day and i was very impressed. I knew it was a real event but i wasnt aware of how it all unfolded. One of the best films ive seen in quite some time..... im a sucker for those types of films tho. Wont say much about it but its a very very good watch.

    8 - 10
  4. Commando is on tonight, Film 4 9pm. Not age appropriate but worth watching for the gloriously camp bad guy, Bennet.

    Always makes me chuckle at the fact that in the heat of a death battle the best he can come out with is playground insults that make little sense.

    I knew every word of this film by the age of 3, my gran had to pretend she lost the VHS as i was obsessed and watched it like 4 times a day.

    Looking back it was a shite film with some shocking acting and even worse of a script, got to love some of arnies lines in the film tho....

    'let off some steam Bennet'
    'Dont disturb my friend.... hes dead tired'

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