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Posts posted by senorsoupe

  1. Just sitting outside on this unseasonably warm Christmas here in Southern Quebec.  My soon to be 101 year old grandpa is being driven home and I'm sitting on the back deck with a beer. My Brother in law is English so we had some figgy pudding earlier meaning I'm a bit drunk (plus all the wine I had earlier).  

    After all the stress of the last little while, life feels really good right now.  Merry Christmas P&B family 

  2. 4 hours ago, carpetmonster said:

    If I'm at a 'generalist' restaurant - diner or some such - and nothing jumps out at me, I'll usually go for the Mexican dishes as huge chance that's who's comprising the kitchen team in Chicago so you'd hope those should be decent. Work out which nationality's most overrepresented in Torontonian kitchens. 

    ETA - this did bite me in the arse once when I ordered chilaquiles at a diner and was given a weird sort of loaf of American cheese and sadness. The tomatillo sauce - which you only got a thimbleful of - was great and suggested the kitchen knew what they were doing but that it was a management decision to have them send out a plateful of depression. 

    Yah good point,  Here in Ottawa it's definitely the Lebanese community that runs and works in most of the restaurants so that's a good standby

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