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Posts posted by adundeemonkey

  1. Seemingly those from Sevcovia are now arguing that the EBTs didn't really matter and are not cheating.

    So if evading tax to pay players to play for them who otherwise could have went elsewhere, it would be interesting to know what they do consider cheating. Maybe they simply cannot cheat regardless of what they did?

    People also need to remember that the authorities take an approach to small teams in the cup who field an ineligible player as a sub as grounds to kick them out of a competition, which i consider a smaller offence.

  2. In 2012, the Newco was refused entry into the SPL. This was decided by a vote by the 12 existing member CLUBs. It was the CLUBs that owned an SPL share as stated in the SPL rules. One of these CLUBs was Rangers, the CLUB that competed that previous season as a member and shareholder of the SPL. This is the only evidence that is needed to prove that the current tribute act is not the old club. This is incontrovertible unless Rangers fans are trying to say that one club can actually be two clubs at the same time?

    Here is a reminder that Rangers voted in that vote.


  3. The biggest problem for them is how the football landscape has changed over the past 10 yrs. Their main income is ticket sales. Every year that the TV deals increase down south, Rangers (and celtic) will be getting relatively poorer. This has already been seen by Celtic competing with a League 1 side for a player and Ranger's reliance on squad players from the championship/League 1.

    WIth this increasing pressure on maximising the wage bill level, the additional costs that they have such as Murray Park, Ibrox and the other trappings of a big club have a disproportionate impact on their finances. It's ok for a Premiership club in England to have an elite training ground, large staff levels, extensive scouting network etc, as this still only represents a manageable proportion of their expendeture. For Rangers, these things in all likelihood, represent the majority of expendetures (I'm sure i saw a report showing the player wage bill was not the problem).

    Basically, they need to down size all their other operations. They are operating at a level where they need champions league group stage money every season, when the very best they can ever hope for is it every second season.

    If they had sense they would come out and say they are down sizing where possible (have to keep Ibrox), with the aim to upgrade in the future if there is the opportunity.

    The penny needs to drop they are on the equavilant income of a top League 1 side in England.

  4. Not the worst defender we've had in the last few years, but it's a close-run thing. Certainly none of our fans were sad to see the back of him. Prone to panicking when caught in possession, makes some truly spectacular mistakes - this own goal probably the pick of the bunch:

    Not much of an aerial presence for such a tall guy, and so one-footed that any time the ball comes onto his right he needs to turn around and set himself to play it on his left. Puts me in mind of a baby giraffe on ice at times.

    That said, he did have two or three very good games for us, and if he's got a solid, level-headed partner at centre half he does much better.

    Were all those games against us? I remember him bossing the match at East End in the second game.

  5. Thought i'd bring up, seeing as Mr King is asking for the Sevco support to fund the club through season ticket purchases.


    The 'Gers' support seem to forget the King wanted the CVA rejected (ie wanted the club to die), and his reasons were as follows.

    King also asserts that "it is clear from the CVA proposal that Mr Green intends to repeat Mr Whyte's strategy of using season ticket sales to fund the club. This would put fans back in the position of funding the club without owning it".

    You just couldn't make it up. :D

  6. Could be a clever ploy here to appease the hordes. Have a fee for a player be accepted, convincing the hordes that they are back to paying for players, get him up here, but at the last minute he fails a medical so the deal is off. They get the support onside without having to spend a penny.

    Otherwise they will be starting their reign by bringing in a player who has just failed a medical at Birmingham. If he does sign and ends up crocked, then it will be a glorious reminder of how much this tribute act falls behind the original. At least back in the day they used to sign international crocks like Prodan, instead of plastic paddy reserve players!

  7. So lets get this straight.

    We now know the shortfall for this coming season is a minimum of £12m.

    This is broken down to

    £3m from the Three Bears and King aka 'The Good Guys'

    £5, from MASH aka Mike Ashley aka 'The Bad Guy'

    Circa £4m one off income from share issue and commonwealth rental fees for Ibrox.

    With evidence showing declining season ticket levels and now non existent retail income, it is reasonable to expect income will be no greater than last season in the Championship, especially with Hearts no longer in the league.

    And with the commitment by GASL Dave to spend whatever it takes, to over-invest, the outgoings will be greater.

    Do the Berrs have any idea where this £12m is going to be found? Genuine question as i don't have a clue how that is going happen seeing as GASL Dave has now shown his cards that he is expecting fans to step up.

  8. The Sports Direct situation with merchandise is interesting, in that it shows the route of the current Orc mentality.

    The reason the deal is so in favor of SD is because The Rangers are a new company who had no ability to sell merchandise at a level SD could. If anything, the retail deal is favorable to The Rangers because left to their own efforts, they would have struggled to sell many shirts at anything close to a decent margin. The Sports Direct statement makes this clear.

    Put it this way. Imagine you made candles that many people want but you can only buy so much wax and make so many candles, so much so that it would be impossible to meet demand and buy enough wax in one go to take advantage of economies of scale. You can then accept that you can only sell 1000 candles in your wee shop. But John Lewis come along and say, 'hey we'll sell your candles, buy your materials and then give you a cut of the profits. While your cut of the profits goes from 100% to 25%, you are now able to double the profit margin which means it is a real hit of 50%, and then John Lewis can sell far more than 1000 candles. So all you need is John Lewis to sell over 2000 candle for you to be better off. Add into the bargain that you don't even need to make the candles yourself and it is a no brainer.

    Now the only way the SD deal is bad for The Rangers is if you think of the club/company as being the machine it was in the past at their peak. If that was the case then they would be right to feel agrieved. But they are not. They are a new company, with no track record of doing this.

    This is what deep down annoys the Orcs, the whole SD situation is a reminder that they died and are not the same club!!

  9. The Sevco fans don't quite get it.

    Mike is a BILLIONAIRE. Do they think he gives a toss about £5m? (when he is getting income on that which must be over 10% return).

    Put it this way. You are a BILLIONAIRE. You have been dragged through the mud by a bunch of lesser guys, they have bumped your mates, would you give a toss about £5m rather than turn the screw on the guys who had a go at you?

    The best thing is that MIke probably has a team of guys dealing with this for him, so he doesn't even have the problem of this being a nuisance to his daily life.

  10. As someone who's footballing memories started in the early 90s, who had to live through the 9 in a row and Advocat era surrounded by what seemed like an endless amount of Hard Core 'ma great great grandad shagged a bird fae Glesgae once' Blue Noses (Who lived in Fife lol), I take great pleasure in saying


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