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Posts posted by BigSpow

  1. So is it Luca before Watson? I don't think there is much between them but is the consensus its Lucas jersey to lose?
    Disappointed to hear about Shepherd, I have my reservations that he will ever be good enough. That leaves, Loy and Austin as first choices with O'Hara as back up. Miller will be a last 20 mins man this year and the only other striker option is underperforming Shepherd!!
    Last question, if Sibbald does leave do you think Houston will stick with what we have or look to add at least one or two before the season starts? I'm hoping he has a target/s in mind if Sibbs goes!

    I think it's Watson before Luca but it will be whoever is in form that will dictate. I agree I don't think Sheps will ever be good enough, I think the contract is only to protect any potential development fee in the future, he's on small beer anyway so no big deal. But Kidd I feel is sucking a reasonable wage out the club with nothing to offer.
  2. I'm well aware tonight was just a kick a bout. Few positives and the usual reminders too.... Harris was impressive got involved in nearly all the positive play, Fash turned up in the second half, Rory showed a few glimpses, the young guys did ok. Kidd is a waste of space even on the bench sooner we get rid the better, Sheps is poor he's not going to cut it IMO. Would have liked to have seen Hippo play on the left and Harris on the right.



  3. Dundee Utd, Falkirk, St Mirren, ICT (depending on the rebuild) should comfortably make up the top 4 with Morton behind them. Will hopefully be really competitive at the top, would love a proper title race after the foregone conclusions of the past few years.

    I'd prefer to be out of sight come Jan, get back to the carnival atmosphere every sat.....
  4. With our budget the most likely way of getting a better quality of player in is the loan market but as stated by Housty at the weekend he's not that kind of manager he prefers permanent players who he can work with for a couple of years. I, like many of our fans find his recruitment policy lacking to say the least. We could've had Loy in Jan rather than st.m but oh no not a loan player, who knows what his goals could have done for us last season.
    He's not dynamic enough and if we don't get promotion this year he needs to go!!

  5. Where am I putting the boot into the club?  I don't actually have an issue with the length of the early bird. I was simply pointing out that a lot of people wait until they get paid until they pay for their ticket. Its the same every year. The club to me though cant set out an early bird period of a month and then complain because people haven't bought their ticket within the first two weeks of it. The fact its called early bird would imply that even if you buy it on the last day your still buying it early and yet the chief exec is on telling fans to hurry up and buy them.

    Maybe the BOD should be increasing the investment in the club either by them or increase the stakeholders. Let's be honest all we need are 3 top quality signings and we'll stroll that league. Have some balls and invest this year, everyone knows this is our best opportunity in years if it doesn't work out then a few years of playing the kids to balance the books is acceptable IMO.
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