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Everything posted by superandy_07

  1. I'm sure discussion were taking place early on in the season about what the councils exact price would be, but after everything including us being on the brink of relegation — I would assume that has now been punted into the long grass
  2. I think we own the North and South Stand completely South Stand is owned by Sandy Alexander which we rent from him For the Main Stand we own the seats and the lower bottom corridors and offices (when you go through the double doors at reception) Council are taking a cut of the Main Stand bar and hospitality every game, it probably looked like they were giving us a helping hand in the transition from Brockville, but they've played a blinder in pumping us raw for the past 15 years
  3. Was down inspecting my new purchase today, the Cooperage Lane pie hut — The only real highlight of the season for me Needs some TLC but looking forward to it taking pride and place on the back green
  4. https://clyp.it/ehldbabs Here's just the audio, the mans a fucking hero Anyone have the famous photo of him holding the cup aloft?
  5. I need to listen to full podcast but this clip is amazing — https://www.falkirkherald.co.uk/sport/football/falkirk-fc/stainrod-i-was-living-the-dream-playing-at-falkirk-1-4885188 GOD saying that being at Falkirk was the best part of his career, choking back the tears talking about standing on that table at Brockville holding the trophy aloft the navy blue faithful. Someone must have been cutting onions near me when it got to that bit… Full podcast here — https://player.fm/series/the-big-interview-with-graham-hunter-1000063/simon-stainrod-last-of-the-bullfighters
  6. Nae Mick, glorious The wolfs accent
  7. Please sign up if you can folks, every little helps
  8. https://dafc.co.uk/story.php?t=Club_Statement_&ID=11033 Errs yer dinner
  9. 400 provisional sign ups in under 24 hours, what a club
  10. https://www.falkirkfc.co.uk/2019/01/07/tom-dallison-departs/ Tata and farewell handsome
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