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Everything posted by Stelling

  1. Chairman has likely been waiting to see how many high earners he could bin before opening the cheque book for a luxury role like engaging with the great unwashed.
  2. I'm not necessarily trying to stick up for the club here - if there's an opportunity to get the comms wrong Saints mostly will - but I can appreciate the difficulty when it comes to juggling the need to keep fans informed along with the sensitivity of contract talks. I've always got the impression that Wright is maybe still a bit naive and gets ahead of himself when it comes to this part of the job. Like you say, we hear quite regularly that talks are "close" or things will happen "this week" or "in a few days", and then nothing materialises, or we get left with egg on our face like the recent pre-contract rumblings or the Brian Graham situation. But then again, perhaps as far as Tommy is concerned deals are close to being done, only for negotiations to get held up because they have to fight past Frugal Broon like the boss at the end of a level. Or maybe they're just teasing b*****ds. Who knows.
  3. No contract or signing news - poor communication. Comments from the manager specifically naming targets, who we then miss out on - criticised for showing hands too early. Vague yet positive updates to let fans know talks are taking place - boring. Is there a point on that scale where the club can get it right?
  4. It really makes no difference who produces the new tops if Storrar is just going to come along and parp saltires over everything once again
  5. I think it's probably right that Mannus goes now. Our goalkeeper transition has been going on for two full seasons, and Wright doesn't seem to have made his mind up. Boasting about having "two number ones" is all well and good but having a consistent player in that role is surely more important than any other on the park, and you have to think that if they're going to pull the trigger on zander full time then it really has to happen next season. Sad that another cup winner is leaving, yes, but I'd rather see him make the decision to move on now, of his own accord, and leave with his head held high, rather than watch him get relegated to the bench then released.
  6. Scripting promos would be more acceptable if the material was actually any good. But instead they're written in such an un-natural way that the delivery is never going to be anything but awkward and forced. They're so desperate to describe a wrestler's character and current situation to you - almost as if you are reading it in a book and not watching on TV - so a promo is so packed full of buzzwords, nicknames, and unnecessary adjectives that ironically it doesn't actually provide an opportunity for the wrestler to show any kind of character at all.
  7. Probably become mates, that's all. God knows they'll have spent enough time together...
  8. In fairness, she's more qualified and experienced than cunningham the saviour was when he started doing the media work. But her interview style needs to be more engaging. Hopefully that kind of rapport with the players and manager will develop, because her current "reading my next question word for word off this sheet of paper" mode is pish.
  9. Would Wright take Callum with him? And would Callum go if asked? International coaching obviously doesn't involve the same need to move and uproot your family as a club job does. Is this one of the only roles that could upset our apparent managerial succession plan?
  10. Or enough to let him chase the dream for a few years with a solid career to fall back on.
  11. It's sad to see what's happening to the BT coverage, they were a real breath of fresh air for the first couple of seasons.
  12. Just slam it in your signature matey then you'll never forget
  13. The level of spending depends how much the chairman wants to keep Wright at the club I guess. Something has prompted this, and it must be something serious because wee stevie hates opening the wallet even more than his dad did. To see TW go from long term budget frustrations and gameplaying in the press to all of a sudden having the confidence to make jewels comments and then see spending on this level, it suggests to me that he has a gun to Brown's head somehow. Yes money can be freed up by restructuring, but a 'push the boat out' signing in Scougall, another marquee signing in MOH, and a possible third on the way represents one hell of a financial commitment.
  14. Has the Millar situation been developing for a while? He's been a great player for us, and always comes across as really likeable and genuine, but loyalty works both ways. Let's not forget the summer that he publicly tried to engineer a move down under. He kept the club hanging on, knocked back a 2yr deal, and we eventually had to settle for a short extension when he finally changed his mind. It's easy to be loyal when you don't have any better offers on the table. Having said that, I would love to see him stay. He improves the midfield when he's playing and adds the calmness and composure that we regularly lack in that area.
  15. Deal done means it's now safe for all you ITK types to start drop gigantic hints as to his identity, right????
  16. So, Tommy has promised us Jools signing Later? Oh, wait...
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