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  1. I wondered about that too, only issue I could see is if they couldn't disable your season ticket and people messing up dates/games and ending up over capacity. Would be good if they could as I have a friend that comes along to the odd game. Maybe they could offer a bring a friend to a game and move stand for that game only. Their will also be a number of seats come free. I couldn't renew as the ticket system had an issue, so I theoretically took a second seat. I doubt I am the only one that had issues.
  2. It will be nice to have a season without needing whole sale changes over the summer. Hopefully the continuity will mean we can hit the ground running.
  3. Hopefully we can bring someone in to take brad McKay's slot in our squad at CB. It's been kind of telling when you have to play a LB in Mackie (although he has done very well) and a player who's been in midfield most of the season that we are 1 short
  4. Burrel was guaranteed to make the short list, there was no way they were going to list 4 Falkirk players as the nominees, even though it probably should have been.
  5. I think there's also a draw from some players to play for mcglynn again, no reason to assume that his magnetism fails for players when we are in the championship.
  6. Did Shanley not sign 6 months with a year option? I assume we would trigger that if we were interested. I would guess yeats, Mackie and Ross would be the three. Then at the end of the season see what Hibs want to do.
  7. Very nice touch from them. But think that they might have been wishing they'd provided it before the game
  8. I imagine Hogarth is the other contact on the table. I am not sure he's done enough to find a big move for himself and expect he will be at least offered the chance to stay. Contract offers seem to slowly drip out, so I expect we will see more of the current squad being offered extensions. As mentioned this is a fast cry from previous seasons where entire squads were needed. I believe the vast majority of our squad have already played at higher levels before signing for us. We did beat a few championship sides so no reason to think we couldn't compete at least to some level.
  9. By no means do I mean Allan is a bad player, but he was very ineffectual in that first half. The rolled up shorts to make his tattoo visible was ridiculous. Oliver wasn't a whole lot better but does seem to pop up with a bit of magic from the bench. Playing Oliver and Allan together was a massive mistake. Firing balls in to the box that sailed over them every time. I have come to the conclusion that I hope once McIver is back, that Allen goes out on loan. He is a piece to a puzzle that doesn't fit and having him and Oliver seems a waste. Gives the guy a chance to salvage his career which I doubt will continue with Falkirk at the end of the season.
  10. Our leaky defence is the biggest concern for me. I really wonder whether we need a defensive coach to sort them out and dump this zonal marking corners which doesn't seem to work for us.
  11. If he can't play one up top then what's the point in us signing another striker who can get goals when used properly.... Either way that boat has sailed, a RB is a higher priority than another striker now
  12. Found out a while ago there is a song called the steeple by a band called halestorm. It's just a pity it has the line this is my kingdom.
  13. Anyone signed up for the spartans stream? What a weird website! buy credits!?
  14. I think as much as new CB he actually needs a defensive coach. We look pathetic at times. A corner is always a concern. Can I see mcglynn getting the boot? Unfortunately not. Equally as mentioned getting a new manager is as big a gamble.
  15. I noticed that as well and thought it was a tad odd. Might be he is too busy deciding 433 or 41212.
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