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Everything posted by Theroadlesstravelled

  1. Global Britain mate. Sell your fish to Australia or whoever.
  2. Never heard of her. Slap a SNPbad sticker on a traffic cone and make it the leader.
  3. There was always some doubt over the effectiveness of the AZ vaccine especially with one shot. They should keep the good vaccines for the high risk and keep the Brexit one for lower risk.
  4. The AZ vaccine was always pish compared to the other two.
  5. That is good news. Israel are doing it properly. We should do something similar with the #Engerlund vaccine and 1 shot.
  6. I don’t like the far right but her in the middle would do.
  7. NZ get their first positive test in two months. It’ll be horrible if the numbers shoot up there now over one person. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-55785787
  8. What do you want him to say about the restrictions?
  9. Glen Minter can even manage to be the biggest roaster on this thread.
  10. England is going for low hanging fruit and vaccinating easy targets for the numbers while not giving a single f**k about deaths. Scotland is taking care and vaccinating care homes to save lives. Only total bams think otherwise.
  11. Just start firing the vaccine into anyone to get the numbers up. That’s all that matters.
  12. 3 weeks into Brexit and it’s going as well as expected. Only utter roasters that believe shite like ‘global Britain’ and ‘leveling up’ think Brexit was a good idea.
  13. Ever since I got vaccinated I’ve had a strong urge to buy Microsoft products.
  14. We’ll never we get rid of covid completely but I’d be fine with locking down for another year if it meant that 2022 was back to normal.
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