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Everything posted by Theroadlesstravelled

  1. They have Germany's peak at 190 on 9/3 and Netherlands peak at 280 on 24/3 which are wrong. The real life numbers are lower which is good.
  2. Extensive testing and isolating confirmed cases? White people are doing the opposite. Testing no one, hitting the pub and expecting to blow over.
  3. That was terrible. The police should have some PPE. What if they had to arrest the fud?
  4. Just been turned down from that NHS volunteer scheme - they’ve got enough gynaecologists apparently. Just waiting to hear back from the breast clinic now.
  5. I was talking a guy from Mumbai. He thinks it won't hit India or other 3rd world countries as hard Europe or the US as Indian people's immune systems are far more robust. He said that the slums in Mumbai are outrageous. A sea of disease. The people drink dirty water and eat rotten fruit that has been lying on the ground next to cow shite. If you can live there then Covid-19 will be nothing. Interesting concept.
  6. I want to appreciate the people who have to work in busy Tesco supermarkets for £10/hr without PPE and get constant abuse from the coronavirus ridden public cause they’ve ran out of bog roll and margarine is on offer any more.
  7. The Army would not be useful against the Navy IMO.
  8. The growth rate is just the testing rate. Stop testing and no one else will get it.
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/25/uk-coronavirus-mass-home-testing-to-be-made-available-within-days?CMP=twt_gu&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium#Echobox=1585146595 There's possibly a 15 minute covid-19 test that will be available to buy next week. If you have had it you can go back to work. That non-essential service Amazon will deliver.
  10. Chap in London makes £2m by selling the kits for £375. 3 times the normal price. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/coronavirus-test-kit-private-harley-street-clinic-randox-mark-ali-a9422966.html If the NHS is paying £120 each then forget about everyone getting tested.
  11. I was told yesterday that loss of taste is a new symptom of it.
  12. Construction should continue on those 40 hospitals that Boris promised before the election.
  13. Old woman catches covid-19 when in hospital having gall bladder surgery. The place must be hoaching.
  14. What’s the point in 99% of the population suffering when Mabel and her Boomer bridge club who are most at risk don’t believe the stories and are going out anyway? People have lost their job to save then from dying.
  15. Italy’s deaths less than the day before for the 2nd consecutive day. Hopefully a sign they are beyond their peak and starting on a downward curve.
  16. And you a Star Wars. It must be bad.
  17. The Governor of NY has come out with some credibility from this in a monsoon of fake news and political agendas. NYS are testing 16,000+ people per day. 21,000 people have tested positive, 600 have been in ICU and 150 have died.
  18. I thought Rangers fans have boycotted Sports Direct.
  19. Why, it's Scottish A-list celebrity Liz McColgan.
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