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Everything posted by Theroadlesstravelled

  1. People on social media absolutely desperate for coronavirus to hit the UK and US hard so they can use it as political ammo against Boris and Trump.
  2. This is the time for countries to re-nationalise their infrastructure instead of allowing profit mad enterprises lay waste to economies as soon as they going gets tough. Neoliberalism can get in the bin.
  3. The Bath marathon goes ahead which seems irresponsible. There’s more important things than protecting the economy.
  4. First thing I’ve read from you that’s been balanced and fair.
  5. This has brought out the worst in people. Why doesn’t socialism work? Cause humans are greedy arseholes. Ordinary people off the street would let people suffer to make £5.
  6. The death rate in Korea is lower than 1% because they test a lot more people. In the end the death rate will be about the same as normal flu.
  7. Can you imagine the pandemonium if they announced they would test everyone who wanted it, symptoms or not? Take the toilet roll fiasco and multiple it by 1000.
  8. What do you use to dry your arse after using a bidet? Also squirting water up there seems weirdly homoerotic.
  9. I agree. The ban is a good thing as it stops people who potentially have the virus from travelling.
  10. + Welded people inside blocks of flats to quarantine them. + Grabbed people off the streets. + Jailed people who reported on the extent of the virus. + Ate bat soup to give the world the coronavirus.
  11. Mrs Bunfield with the mask on there. That’s not going to do anything dear.
  12. I genuinely hope all the gammons get covid-19 and can’t get healthcare.
  13. Why can’t I embed tiktok videos on here? What is this? The 1940s?
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